Spring 2022 Lead & Learn
Spring 2022 Lead & Learn
Spring 2022 Lead & Learn
Her Future is our Future
12 12 14 20 21 22 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 35 36 63
Volunteer Resources
Early Bird Renewal
Troop Camping
Emerson Resource Center All Leader Season Closer
Around Council Community Service Program Partners Girl Scout Round Up Highest Awards Product Programs April Showers
Adult Courses
Course Listing
Course Registration
2 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 3
Yours in Girl Scouting
Welcome to the spring 2022 Lead & Learn! I am pleased to share with you a plethora of adult training opportunities for the spring and summer that will engage volunteers in learning new skills to enhance the leadership experience of the Girl Scouts in their lives. From Troop Camp Certifications to Troop Trips, our courses are offered in flexible and convenient learning paths—in person or online—there is truly something for every schedule or experience level! I encourage you to join us on Saturday, March 26 for one of my favorite days of the year—our Council’s Representative Assembly and Volunteer Recognitions ceremony! Recognizing the impact our volunteers have on our organization—and our Girl Scouts—is essential to our collective success. This year the event will be a hybrid approach with our viewers attending from the comfort and safety of their homes, while our presenters and awardees will be live- streamed from the Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center. I can’t wait for the day that we can all be back together in person, but our hybrid approach will bring us one step closer! I hope you can attend and learn about the state of the Council while cheering on your fellow volunteers as they accept their well-deserved Council- level awards. This spring also marks an incredibly exciting time for Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri as we have officially launched into the public phase of our $50 million comprehensive campaign, Her Future is Our Future. This will be the largest-ever investment in girl development in the eastern Missouri region and the largest philanthropic effort in our organization’s history. This unprecedented investment will ensure that each girl in the eastern Missouri region has an opportunity to be the leader she wants to be, and the one the world needs her to be.
The Her Future is Our Future Campaign began in the silent phase in 2019 and has raised more than $45 million to date. This campaign will provide transformational support to Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri in the areas of capital projects, program support, scholarships and endowments so our organization can continue to execute upon our mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place for generations to come. Turn to pgs. 5-11 for details on the campaign and read more about a few of the exciting projects that are currently underway at our camping properties. I am honored by your continued support and passion for Girl Scouting. Our volunteers are the heart and soul of this organization and I thank you for helping our girls grow and develop into the dreamers and doers of tomorrow.
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Bonnie Barczykowski CEO
4 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
Her Future is Our Future Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s Comprehensive Campaign
Campaign Overview There is no greater investment than in the next generation. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri develops and delivers relevant programs that help girls build the skills they will use to lead in their homes, our workplaces and our communities. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s $50 million Her Future is Our Future Campaign will help ensure that every girl in the eastern Missouri region has an opportunity to participate in Girl Scouts.
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 5
Her Future is Our Future
Our Campaign Priorities We believe the possibilities for what each girl can accomplish are endless. With Girl Scouts supporting her every step of the way she will do more, dream bigger and make the world a better place for herself and others. The Her Future is Our Future Campaign ensures each girl in our region has an opportunity to be the leader she wants to be—and the one the world needs her to be. For over a century, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri has developed girls to be drivers, designers and makers of the future. Our campaign, the largest-ever investment in girl development in the eastern Missouri region, will continue that work for generations to come. With a goal of $50 million, the campaign has raised more than $45 million to date and includes investment in capital projects, program support, scholarships and endowments. Read the full case for support here.
$6.5 Million
$30 Million
$3.5 Million
$10 Million
Bringing unrivaled innovation, creativity, and growth to Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri programming. Program Support
Expanding opportunities so Scholarships that no girl is turned away, regardless of family income or strife.
Constructing relevant, 21st century tech-friendly and accessible facilities that provide hands-on, experiential learning opportunities. Capital Projects
Securing the future of Girl Scouting in eastern Missouri.
6 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
Her Future is Our Future Campaign Committee
Patty Arnold Beth Bender Cathy Berges* Carolyn Kindle Betz Kimmy Brauer Cynthia Brinkley Christine Chadwick Laura Ellenhorn Lelia J. Farr Alison Ferring June McAllister Fowler Laurna C. Godwin Lisa Hawkins
Jan Holloway Elizabeth Mannen Berges
Sue McCollum Kim McCurdy Traci O’Bryan Kathy Osborn Penny Pennington Kitty Ratcliffe Annie Schlafly Suzanne Sitherwood Diane Sullivan Mimi Twardowski
Cynthia G. Heath Ali Kindle Hogan
Jo Ann Taylor Kindle Campaign Chair
*Dearly missed, never forgotten
“Girl Scouts is dedicated to building our future leaders. Together we can match the dreams and ambitions of girls with the resources they need to be successful. The time is now!”
Jo Ann Taylor Kindle. Campaign Chair
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 7
Her Future is Our Future
An Investment in Outdoor Adventure Each year, eastern Missouri Girl Scouts take advantage of camping and other outdoor adventure programs at Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s three camp properties: Camp Cedarledge in Pevely, Camp Tuckaho in Troy and Camp Fiddlecreek in Labadie. Collectively spanning more than 1,300 acres, these camps offer challenging environments where girls find the courage to try activities like low and high-ropes courses, archery, horseback riding, swimming and other activities, many of which are first-time experiences. One of the main goals of Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s camp programs is to build environmental stewardship in girls. The Her Future is Our Future Campaign includes a detailed Camp Master Plan outlining aesthetic and structural renovations to each location that will enhance the outdoor experiences of Girl Scouts, while improving the safety, accessibility and capacity of the onsite facilities. We are pleased to share some of the enhancements that are already underway at our camps. As the campaign progresses, more information and exciting updates will be shared with our Girl Scout families. Spire Supports Trail Restoration at Camp Fiddlecreek In January 2022, Girl Scouts and Spire broke ground on a 2.5 mile trail restoration project at Camp Fiddlecreek. When complete, the restored trails will offer a variety of experiences for all skill levels. Included in the design is an ADA accessible trail that is easily navigable by explorers of varying experience and ability. Restoration is expected to be completed by April 2022. As part of Spire’s ongoing commitment, the energy provider will also offer their employees the opportunity to volunteer with the trail maintenance program, helping to ensure the sustainability of these trails for girls long into the future.
“We’re so proud to be part of this project for the community, supporting our girls,” said Jessica Willingham, Spire senior vice president, chief communications and marketing officer. “I’m a lifelong Girl Scout, and I know having opportunities to have adventures, be outside and be connected to the planet is part of who I am. The Girl Scouts build girls of courage, confidence and character—that’s what it’s all about.”
8 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
Endowment Gift to Support Mariner Program To ensure all girls can discover the joy of outdoor exploration and develop 21st century skills, Keri Westland, Girl Scout volunteer, life-long Mariner and Gold Award Girl Scout made a generous $500,000 gift to support Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s Mariner program in perpetuity. Scout history since 1934. Developed as a special interest program for Girl Scouts in 7th through 12th grade, the Mariner Program offers adventures on, in and near the water. While on the water, Mariners gain a unique perspective that encourages them to think critically while actualizing their potential as leaders. The Mariner Program has been a part of Girl
Girl Scouts and Edward Jones Partner to Expand Outdoor Adventure Experiences Through the generosity of Edward Jones, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri has recently opened a new Outdoor Adventure High-Course Challenge, located at Camp Tuckaho in Troy, Mo. For close to 30 years, this course has been an iconic team building and leadership program for girls ages 12 through 18. In 2019, the course was retired with plans to rebuild. The new Outdoor Adventure High-Course Challenge was designed and built by ABEE, Inc. “Edward Jones is proud to partner with the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri to support their mission to help girls build courage, confidence and character,” said Edward Jones Managing Partner Penny Pennington. “We invested in the new Outdoor Adventure Course at Camp Tuckaho to create opportunities for girls to learn leadership skills, discover the value of teamwork and build confidence by taking on new challenges. These are skills that will serve them throughout their lives and we’re excited about the new adventures that await Girl Scouts across our region at Camp Tuckaho.”
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 9
Her Future is Our Future
ADA Accessible Archery Range at Camp Cedarledge Archery is an important Girl Scout outdoor activity that provides girls with opportunities to sharpen skills, improve hand/eye coordination and enjoy friendly competition with one another. Girls can participate in archery activities while attending Resident or Troop Camp. At Camp Cedarledge a new Archery Range is currently being constructed in the area near Conestoga and Daisy Dell. This range will be ADA accessible making the activity available for girls of all abilities.
The new Archery Range will be open in early April 2022.
Prairie Grass Development at Camp Fiddlecreek The hillside outside the Dining Hall at Camp Fiddlecreek is the site of the Prairie Grass Development Project. Over the next few years it will be transformed into gathering places for the many activities that take place there including a lane for sled riding in the winter, walking paths and border areas. Over the course of several years this area will come alive with native plants such as Yarrow, Prairie Coreopsis, Coneflower, Indian Paintbrush, Rattlesnake Master, Wild Bergamot, Gray Golden Rod, as well as Witch Grass, Little Bluestem and Fescue to name just a few of the hundred or more varieties of seeds that will be spread to create the Prairie Garden. The project will include informational signage and provide many program and learning opportunities for girls to come and watch the prairie grow. This new site will become home to insects, small mammals, birds, butterflies and frogs that will work together to help the Prairie Garden thrive. Girls will have the opportunity to be a part of the planting and upkeep of the area through planned programs that will be offered throughout the year. Each season in the prairie will bring something new and beautiful to experience.
10 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
We invite you to be a part of the Her Future is Our Future Campaign! Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s $50 million Her Future is Our Future Campaign will help ensure that every girl in the eastern Missouri region has an opportunity to participate in Girl Scouts and become the leader she wants to be. You can support the campaign with a one-time gift, a multi-year pledge, or a planned gift. Visit the campaign page on our website or contact Janine Lawler, Chief Development Officer, at jlawler@girlscoutsem.org or 314.592.2367. We will also be sharing information on exciting donor recognition opportunities available at all three of our camp properties, including your family name or troop number on a brick paver, bench, picnic table, or special place at camp.
We’ll Be In Your District This spring and summer Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri plans to host events across the region to share all that this campaign will make possible for our eastern Missouri girls.
Exciting News! $2.5 Million “Dreaming Green” Challenge Match Thanks to the generosity of life-time Girl Scout Nance Frost, ALL new gifts and pledges received in support of the campaign will be MATCHED! Your gift will have DOUBLE the impact and make a lasting impact on the future of our girls.
Please watch for more information on when we will be in your area and plan to join us for one of these exciting events.
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 11
Early Bird Renewal 2023 Renew Your Membership Starting April 1! New experiences, strength and the support of
Renew your membership starting April 1 at girlscoutsem.org/renew .
community—that’s what Girl Scouts is all about! In this uncertain world, you can count on one thing for sure: today, tomorrow, together we are on your family’s team! When you stand with Girl Scouts, you’re not just giving your girl something to do, you’re giving her someone to be: the boldest, bravest and best version of herself.
Check out our tiered incentives on the next page! Early birds have access to awesome perks from Girl Scout Round Up registration to an adorable patch or vinyl sticker for water bottles and laptops.
But don’t wait—these incentives will fly away on June 30!
Need Renewal Assistance?
Contact our friendly Answer Center staff at 314.400.4600 or answercenter@girlscoutsem.org.
12 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
NEW THIS YEAR! District Incentive
Districts that re-register 60% of girls by July 1 will receive money for a Plan Your Own Adventure event for the district.
The reimbursement amount based on number of troops as of March 31, 2022 • Districts with 1-99 Troops: $100
• Districts with 100–199 Troops: $200 • District with 200-300+ Troops: $300
April 1-30 Individual Incentives (GIRLS) Girls that renew have access to register for the exclusive Girl Scout Round Up event in Oct. 2022 Vinyl Early Bird sticker and Early Bird patch Adults that renew have access to register for the exclusive Girl Scout Round Up event in Oct. 2022 Adults that renew will receive a 15 percent discount to use at the Council Shop from May 2-June 30. Individual Incentives (ADULTS)
2023 Early Bird Patch
2023 Early Bird Vinyl Sticker
Welcome Back Troop Wagon Includes: Sturdy wagon, canopy tent, lantern set, cold compress, Girl Scout bandaids, poncho, first aid kit, flashlight, Girl Scout purse and a GSEM tablecloth
May 1-31
June 1-30 Individual Incentives (GIRLS)
Individual Incentives (GIRLS) Vinyl Early Bird sticker and Early Bird patch
Vinyl Early Bird sticker and Early Bird patch
Troop Incentives T roops that renew 70% of their girls and two adults will be entered into a drawing to win a troop supplies wagon. Each district will have one winning troop. Wagon and supplies valued at over $200!
Early Bird patch
Individual Incentives (ADULTS)
Individual Incentives (ADULTS)
Vinyl Early Bird sticker and Early Bird patch
Early Bird patch
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 13
Volunteer Resources Troop Camping
14 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
Not an outdoor expert? It’s ok, we are. Adult volunteers who plan to camp with girls on or off Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri-owned property must be Troop Camp Certified. Troop Camp Certification courses ensure adult volunteers know how to plan a troop camping experience that is safe and everyone enjoys. All adults attending training must be registered members with a background check. Troop Camp Certifications never expire, so take the training once and you are set for life!
This spring, two Troop Camp Certification trainings will be offered: Troop Camp Fast Track and Troop Camp A-Z.
• Troop Camp Fast Track: This course is designed especially for adult volunteers who have basic camping skills, are experienced in accompanying girls to camp, and are planning to camp with girls on or off Eastern Missouri property. This course is at a faster pace.
• Troop Camp A-Z: In this course, volunteers receive hands-on, in-depth camp training. This is the perfect course for adults who have little to no camping experience, but are eager to learn!
For complete details on the Troop Camp Certification trainings being offered this fall, please turn to pg. 47.
Advice from a Camp Supervisor Cynthia Dyer, also known by her camp name, Razzles, has volunteered as a Girl Scout Camp Supervisor for the past six years. She always enjoys sharing the tips and tricks that she has picked up along the way. What makes a memorable and fun troop camp experience? Allowing the girls room to breathe. Personally, I feel that when a camping weekend is packed full of activities, the girls get too
overwhelmed and don’t fully enjoy themselves. I am not against planning plenty of activities, but I believe that girls need “breaks” as well. This might be taking your time walking from one activity to another, instead of needing to rush. Or pack a lunch and picnic on the way to a different part of camp. This downtime gives the girls the opportunity to make their own memories. How can troop leaders make troop camping girl-led? As the girls progress from Daisies, let themmake more decisions on what they are having for meals, what activities they will do, and so forth. Daisies can vote between a couple of meal ideas that the leader suggests, while Brownies can offer their own suggestions. My troop is full of Seniors and Ambassadors; they choose the meals on their own, searching online and in cookbooks to find what they want to make. They also help decide on the activities (crafts, games, staffed weekend activities, etc). While at camp, let the girls do things. The hardest part is the adults backing off and allowing the girls to cook, clean, lead. Even Daisies can push a broom around to clean the floors, wipe down tables, prep meals. Why is the outdoor experience valuable for girls of any age? Outdoor experiences get the girls out of the house, away from school, removed from daily life. They can also give the girls the opportunity to learn skills that they cannot learn indoors.
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 15
Volunteer Resources
Get to Know Camp Tuckaho Located in Troy, Mo., this camp is nearly 600 acres of beautiful forest. Here, older girls build leadership skills by participating in high adventure challenges and all girls enjoy a variety of hands-on activities at the Anheuser-Busch Nature Center.
Adventure Options
Lake Love
Themed Units
There is adventure around every corner at Camp Tuckaho. This camp property is the home of the new High Course at the Outdoor Adventure Course Challenge, made possible through the generosity of Edward Jones. There are also opportunities for girls to try their hand at hatchet throwing, air rifles and compound bows.
Camp Tuckaho is home to the beautiful Charlotte Davis Lake where girls can experience canoeing, sailing and paddle boating while building confidence on the water. The lake is named after Charlotte Davis, the former executive director of GSEM from 1968 to 1976. Troops camping during an Activity Staff Weekend can enjoy waterfront activities led by certified personnel.
Camp Tuckaho has a variety of themed units that are sure to delight campers of all ages! From covered wagons to yurts, this camp property boasts unique units that will add an extra dose of adventure to any Troop Camping experience!
Discover nature and experience the adventure, fun, friendship and beauty of the outdoors at Camp Tuckaho.
16 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
Meet Ranger Jared My name is Jared Colbert. I am a Ranger at Camp Tuckaho. I ammarried to Shanon and we have four children, Kaylee 14, Kalub 12, Kasen 8, and Mary Lou 3. We also have our best friend Bella, the Great Pyrenees, who loves everyone! We all love camp life. I grew up in Troy, MO, just a mile or two from Camp Tuckaho. Being a Ranger is a whole new experience for me and my entire family, but we are loving it! with a wide array of experiences. Most of my career I have been a heavy equipment operator, 2002 to 2014, which allowed me to travel all over the country working. In 2014, I began working for the City of Troy Public Works and in February of 2021, I began my position as a Ranger at Camp Tuckaho, alongside Ranger Rick. I am really excited about the upcoming happenings at Camp Tuckaho. There are so many awesome things to do and see at Tuckaho. My favorite is the Yurt Site or Boones Loft. Just the beauty of nature everywhere you look is unbelievable. It doesn’t matter what season it is you will always find a something to do or see here at Camp Tuckaho. I am excited to bring new knowledge and experience to GSEM. My professional career comes I love to see campers out here experiencing camp with us. It a great feeling when you see new experiences happening, friendships being made, and girls having fun in the outdoors. Look for me or my family next time you visit! We always like meeting new people and making new friends!
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 17
Camp Cedarledge – Pevely, MO 5-9 week positions available
At Girl Scouts, it’s more than a job—it’s an opportunity to make a real impact on girls’ lives and in the world! As a member of our camp team, you’ll experience the great outdoors while helping girls develop key leadership skills. Apply today at girlscoutsem.org/careers . Camp staff are needed to make memories that last a lifetime at Camp Cedarledge and Camp Tuckaho in 2022! Minimum age of hire is 17 years old.
Paid staff training starts on June 3, with camp sessions from June 12–Aug 5. Camp staff will live in a camper unit and lead programs for girls grades K-12. Camp Tuckaho – Troy, MO 5 week positions available Paid staff training starts on July 5 with camp sessions from July 10-Aug. 7. Camp staff will live on site, leading programs for parent/child, troop and family programs. Activity Staff Positions Are you looking to join the camp team part-time throughout the year? We are hiring individuals, 18 years and older, as Camp Program Specialists to lead programs year-round with troops at our three camp properties. Training and certification are provided. Already a Girl Scout volunteer? New in 2022, you can keep your volunteer role AND be a paid staff member!
Open Positions Include:
Leadership Roles
Unit Leader
Activity Specialist
Junior Counselors
Inspire Discovery Spring 2022 18
18 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
Delicious Memories Meals are an important part of the Troop Camp experience. By cooking over a campfire, girls learn creativity, ingenuity and basic culinary skills. Check out a fun recipe below to try out at your next Troop Camp adventure.
Zucchini Boat Pizza
Easy Serves 8 30 mins.
Ingredients 4 Zucchini Jar of Pizza or Marinara Sauce 2 cups shredded Mozzarella Cheese Toppings of your choice like pepperoni, olives, mushrooms Seasoning (basil, oregano, salt, pepper) Cooking Spray Tin Foil
Directions 1. Prepare coals for indirect heat with an iron grate.
2. Cut off the tops of the zucchini. Cut the zucchini in half lengthwise. Scoop out the insides of the zucchini with the spoon to remove the seeds. The zucchini halves should be hollowed out. If they don’t lie flat, then cut a portion from the bottom so they lie flat. Pat the insides of zucchini dry with paper towel. 3. Place hollowed zucchinis on tin foil. Spray the insides of zucchini with cooking oil spray. Sprinkle salt and pepper on zucchini as well. 4. Add pizza or marinara sauce to each hollowed zucchini. 5. Top zucchinis with your choice of ingredients like pepperoni, olives, mushrooms etc. 6. Sprinkle on mozzarella. 7. Tightly wrap each individual zucchini in the tin foil, leaving an air pocket in the middle. 8. Place foil packets on the iron grate away from the flames. 9. Cook for 15 minutes. 10. Remove from campfire, unwrap and garnish with basil and oregano. Serve warm.
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 19
Volunteer Resources
Your Resource for All Things Girl Scout! Located in the Girl Scout Service Center at 2300 Ball Drive, our Emerson Resource Center and Girl Scout Shop are designed to help busy volunteers with their planning, materials and apparel/uniform needs.
Emerson Resource Center The Emerson Resource Center is a funded library of resources to support girl ambition. Our resources include official Girl Scout program publications, topical books, flags for official ceremonies, novelty props for bridging ceremonies, kits with activities for skill building such as knot tying or knife safety, and various program boxes developed by the GSEM Program Department. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri also offers Programs in a Box to make planning your Girl Scout year much easier. Troops or in- dividual volunteers/parents can check out Programs in a Box to help earn a badge, use as activities at troop meetings, enjoy at troop camp, or as a service project to work with a younger troop. Each box includes most of the supplies needed to complete the activities—other supplies are listed separately. While the boxes have a target age level, you are welcome to check out a box at another level if available.
Visit the Emerson Resource Center page of the Council website to review current equipment and program box offerings.
Emerson Resource Center and Girl Scout Shop Hours
Monday: 10 am-5 pm Tuesday: 10 am-6:30 pm Wednesday: 10 am-5 pm Thursday: 10 am-6:30 pm Friday: 10 am-5 pm
Questions? Contact us! 314.592.2378 gsemshopanderc@girlscoutsem.org
Shop online 24/7 at girlscoutshop.com!
20 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
Thursday, April 21 Saturday, April 23
6-7 pm
10:30-11:30 am
Wrap up your Girl Scout year with confidence! Whether you want to get in-the-know deets on troop year - end reporting or how to make the most of early renewal incentives, you don’t want to miss the 2022 Virtual Season Closer for troop leadership! That’s not all! Enhance your volunteer experience and build leadership skills by joining your District or Neighborhood Service Team! Have you considered guiding your girls in a canoeing experience at camp or leading a trip on Missouri’s beautiful waterways? Learn how! Registrat ion is required for this free event. Register for the April 21 event HERE or the April 2 3 event HERE.
Topics Include
• Early Renewal Incentives
• End-of-Year Troop Financial Reporting
• Take Your Troop to
Resident Camp Quest
• Small Craft Safety
Program Goes Blended Learning
• Enhancing your
Volunteer Experience; Service Unit Opportunities
• Participation Prize Drawings
Questions? Contact Shaun Lindhoff, Adult Education Coordinator, at 314.400.4628 or slindhoff@girlscoutsem.org .
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 21
Around Council
Community Service: A Girl Scout Cornerstone Girls who engage in community service develop a strong sense of responsibility for others. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri provides girls with opportunities to serve, to connect with their communities and to reflect on their experience to better understand themselves, area needs and their role in making the world a better place.
Introducing Community Service Partners
Change the World with Small Acts of Kindness
Community Service Partners are organizations looking for Girl Scouts to provide service to their organization. These partners will be listed in future publications and on our website for easy access when your troop is looking to do a service project. Stay tuned to the upcoming newsletters for more information
Have you worked with any agencies that regularly need volunteers and would recommend them to your fellow Girl Scouts?
There are lots of fun ways to get your troop involved in making the world a better place, and community service is a perfect way for girls to dig their hands into issues that concern them the most in their own neighborhoods. Many hands make light work, and there are a variety of volunteer needs that work for groups of all ages:
Please send your Community Service Partner suggestions to Heather Eyster at heyster@girlscoutsem.org for consideration.
when the Community Service Partner webpage launches.
• Assemble hygiene kits to share with a women’s shelter
• Collect art supplies to share with a local children’s hospital
• Send cards to military troops overseas or deliver to a local nursing home
• Create birthday boxes for a local food pantry
Most importantly, ask the girls what they think about volunteering in the community and be ready to take notes. Chances are, they will have lots of ideas to share!
22 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
2022 April Showers
For 24 years, Girl Scouts, their families and neighbors have collected more than 25 million personal care items. We are excited to be offering the community multiple ways to participate in April Showers. We will again be utilizing online registries in addition to the traditional in-person aspects of the program. Girls will place self-adhesive notes door-to-door throughout eastern Missouri the weekend of April 1-3, 2022. The note will encourage households to purchase items and reuse a bag or box of their own for pick up on April 9 or to donate through our online registries which will be available April 1-17. Showering the Community is back for 2022. On April 2, girls will be stationed outside of local stores to encourage customers to purchase additional personal care items for donation. All items donated through the online registries will be delivered to our camps. Girls will have the opportunity to assist with counting and sorting items donated through the registries. More information is available in the Troop Participation Guide. Girl Scouts, their troop leaders, families and friends can help individuals and families in need by participating in Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s largest community service program, April Showers.
All registered Girl Scouts are expected to participate in April Showers through door-to-door distribution, donation collection or Showering the Community. District and Neighborhood Events scheduled for either weekend of April Showers should plan to incorporate April Showers as part of their event plans. Troops camping are expected to participate on the alternate weekend. We encourage families and friends to participate too! April Showers is a great community service project for the whole family. Non-member insurance will be provided by Girl Scouts for family and friends who volunteer for April Showers. Together we can help empower girls to team up and make the world a better place. Be on the lookout for more information from your Neighborhood April Showers Coordinator.
Door-to-Door Distribution: April 1-3
Showering the Community: April 2
Donation Collection: April 9
Registries Available: April 1-17
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 23
Around Council
2022 Program Partners Looking for badge/Journey workshops or fun field trip ideas for your troop? Look no further than our Program Partners! Program Partners are organizations approved to offer Girl Scout programs as a resource to members. These opportunities can be scheduled directly with the organization. Click on the organization to go to their website! The organizations with an * offer fun and education badge/ Journey programs for your girls. Visit girlscoutsem.org/programpartners to find out more about what they offer and to check out new program partners added throughout the year.
Program Partner
Grade Levels Served
*Animal Protective Association of Missouri
D, B, J, C, S, A
Cake Fusion Cake and Cupcake Design Studio
D, B, J, C, S, A
*Claster Educational Services
S, A
*Complete Harmony
D, B, J, C, S, A
*DaySpring Arts and Education
D, B, J, C, S, A
*Endangered Wolf Center
D, B, J, C, S, A
*Gateway Arch National Park
D, B, J, C, S, A
*Humane Society of Missouri
D, B, J, C, S, A
Kraus Farms
D, B, J, C, S, A
*LabSpace Robotics
D, B, J, C
*Leftovers Etc.
D, B, J, C, S, A
*Little Medical School
D, B, J, C, S, A
*Mad Science
D, B, J
*Missouri Botanical Gardens
D, B, J, C, S, A
Missouri Department of Conservation
D, B, J, C, S, A
*MJ Performing Arts Academy
D, B, J, C, S, A
National Inventors Hall of Fame
D, B, J, C
Otto Orthodontics
B, J, C, S, A
*Photo Explorations
D, B, J, C, S, A
*Rooted Warriors Yoga
D, B, J, C, S, A
*Safety House
D, B, J, C, S, A
*Saint Louis Science Center
D, B, J, C, S
*Saint Louis Zoo
D, B, J, C
*School of Rock
D, B, J, C, S, A
24 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
Program Partner
Grade Levels Served
*SPARK Business Academy
D, B, J, C, S, A
*St. Charles County Parks and Recreation
D, B, J, C, S, A
St. Louis Cardinals
D, B, J, C, S, A
St. Louis Symphony Orchestra
D, B, J, C, S, A
*STAGES St. Louis Performing Arts Academy
D, B, J, C, S
*Teen Tell All
B, J, C, S, A
*The Magic House
D, B, J
Upper Limits Rock Gym
D, B, J, C, S, A
Vertical Voyages
J, C, S, A
*Vine Images
D, B, J, C, S, A
*Youth Friendly Learning STL
D, B, J, C, S
*Z Total Body Fitness
D, B, J, C, S, A
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 25
Around Council
Join us for Girl Scout Round Up 2022 New name, same awesome experience! Girl Scout Round Up, formerly Troop Round Up, is the perfect day at camp complete with fun activities facilitated by our program partners and the chance to experience outdoor adventures like horseback riding or archery. Come out to camp this fall and have a blast at Girl Scout Round Up!
Girl Scout Round Up is open to individuals and troops. All participants, both girls and adults, must be registered for the event AND the 2023 Girl Scout membership year. Girls must be accompanied by an adult if not participating with their troop. No refunds or tagalongs. Start: 10 am End: 5:30 pm Participants arriving in three different waves throughout the day.
Registration opens April 1 for this event and cost is just $7 per person.
Bus Transportation/Parking Daisies through Cadettes will be shuttled into camp with their adults by bus. Participants will choose from three pickup times and will be assigned to a bus so there won’t be any delay in getting to camp! After arriving at camp, groups will rotate between three different program areas, a special activity of their choosing and a snack/lunch break. They will catch the bus back to their car at the assigned departure time. Seniors and Ambassadors will be given parking passes so their group can drive into camp and skip the bus! They will choose a time to participate in their program area, along with the Juniors and Cadettes. They can also choose to volunteer for part of the day, helping with the Daisy and Brownie activity stations.
Camping Overnight Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors will have the option of camping during the weekend as well. During registration, they will indicate their interest through an online form. Girls and their adults are welcome to sign up, as well as entire troops. We will assign sites based on preferences listed then send out confirmation with payment options. Camping for the weekend will be $5 per person!
26 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
New This Year • New name, to represent all of our girls and adults who attend outside of the troop expe- rience • Seniors, Ambassadors and their adults will have the option to drive into camp and skip riding the bus • Seniors and Ambassadors can participate as a volunteer for the younger program levels. Participants will choose their time slot and special activity this summer to allow more families to know schedules closer to the event. A Sign-Up Genius will be sent on July 12 with detailed instructions Returning From 2021 • Arrival waves for participants with three arrival times that will be selected by participants this summer • Two separate program areas based on age, Daisies and Brownies will participate in their own programming geared to their level. Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors will have their own programming as well • Camp will be divided into program areas and groups will be escorted to each of these areas throughout their time at camp
• Event T-shirt will be available for purchase during registration
2022 Dates
Saturday, Oct. 1 Camp Cedarledge
Saturday, Oct. 8 Camp Tuckaho
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 27
Around Council
Encourage your Girl Scout to research the many scholarships available to Girl Scout Gold Awardees, visit girlscouts.org/scholarships
Girl Scout Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards
Bronze Award: By taking action to improve their communities, Juniors gain important leadership skills and learn that even seemingly small actions can make a big impact! Silver Award: Cadettes flex their leadership muscles by doing research and taking action on issues of their choice. Through their commitment to their communities, girls gain skills that will catapult them to Gold Award success. Gold Award: To earn this special award, Seniors and Ambassadors change the world for good by tackling issues dear to their hearts while driving lasting change.
The Mark of the Truly Remarkable When your troop or girl earns one of Girl Scouts’ highest awards, they will change their corner of the world—and beyond. The possibilities are endless, but to get started they need your support and mentorship.
28 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
Call for Gold Award Committee Members We are excited to announce upcoming opportunities for you to join the Gold Award Advisory Committee! We would like to invite you to our new member informational night on Tuesday, June 28, from 4:30 pm-6 pm.
During the first 30 minutes we will provide participants with an overview of the Gold Award Advisory Committee, including time commitment, training requirements, options for participation and responsibilities for each role. We will then break out into small groups to conduct interviews facilitated by our current Gold Award Advisory Committee. Please register for the informational night by using the link below.
Registration for Gold Award Committee Information Night
We hope to see you on June 28, 2022!
Be the Support She Needs As She Strives to Earn One of Girl Scouting’s Highest Awards As an adult supporter, your role, whether you are a troop volunteer, parent or project advisor, is to encourage your Girl Scouts to think critically, be open to multiple perspectives, investigate thoroughly, work cooperatively, and identify resources within and beyond their local communities. You are supporting girls as they develop into leader for today and tomorrow. When supporting your Girl Scouts as they earn one of Girl Scoutings Highest Awards, it is important to have the right tools and knowledge. By attending one of Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s online Highest Award courses you will learn how to prepare girls to earn their Bronze, Silver or Gold Awards, what the awards are and what steps are involved in completing it.
Turn to pgs. 39-40 in this publication to read complete details on our Highest Award trainings and instructions for accessing the courses on gsLearn.
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 29
Around Council
2022 Girl Scout Cookie Season Thank you for your commitment to the Girl Scout Cookie Program! Your support allows her to Climb with Courage and reach her goals!
Congratulations to our 2022 Flat Adventurefuls Contest winners
Madeline H., Cylee S. and Nora A.
Girls like Madeline, Cylee and Nora are using the cookie program to fuel their adventures, and they can’t do it without your support—from building skills in troop meetings to chaperoning a cookie booth, your contributions help troops across eastern Missouri make their cookie season great!
Girl Scouts are always prepared for what comes next and we know you’re ready to help them finish an amazing cookie season strong!
As our season winds down, be sure to:
Make final product transfers so Girl Scouts receive credit towards their rewards
Check reward choices and sizing with your Girl Scout troop so you are ready to make those choices in eBudde
30 Lead & Learn Fall 2021
The Cookie Program is more than just a cookie sale, it’s a chance to nurture girl ambition by helping Girl Scouts build essential skills for a lifetime of leadership. Your support of Girl Scouts during cookie season—from helping her set a goal, to entering the packages when she reaches it—is building the next generation of female entrepreneurs. Thank you for everything you do for Girl Scouts!
Questions about finishing the season strong? Join us at our final Troop Cookie Manager Webinar: Allocating cookies in eBudde and submitting final rewards on March 14.
• 11:30 am: https://zoom.us/j/91906126294 password: cookie2022
• 6:30 pm: https://zoom.us/j/91061279326 password: cookie2022
Lead & Learn Fall 2021 31
Around Council
Discover Girl Scout Robotics Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri has a proud history of supporting all-girl robotics teams across various levels of competition. Since the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s robotics program began in 2009, it has grown from five teams to 75 teams in 2021 at every age level.
GSUSA has partnered with For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology ( FIRST® ) to offer STEM program opportunities around the country. Girl Scout robotics programs inspire young girls to be science and technology leaders by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs. Through participation in robotics programs, Girl Scouts: • Are confident they can solve real- world problems • Develop awareness of the careers in the STEM fields • Develop and apply specific strategies to promote cooperation • Identify ways in which science can help solve a problem in the real world
I’m interested! How do I start a Girl Scout robotics team? Visit girlscoutsem.org/robotics to view the application. You will need two unrelated adults to sign up as coaches and at least two girls to start a team. This sounds like fun, but I don’t have any programming experience. What should I do? It’s okay if you don’t have a background in programming or engineering! We offer training to teach FLL Explore® and FLL Challenge® rookie coaches how to program the robot. Howmuch does it cost? If accepted for funding, Girl Scouts will cover the major expenses (including the robot, software, field kit, and T-shirts) but the teamwill be responsible for a portion of the overall cost. The team registration fee is different for each Robotics level.
32 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
More than LEGOs: The Building Blocks of Robotics Sunday, March 27 at 4 pm via Zoom Tuesday, May 17 at 6:30 pm via Zoom
By participating in a Girl Scout robotics team, girls learn valuable life and employment skills by coming up with ideas, solving problems and overcoming obstacles!
Register to attend a robotics information session at girlscoutsem.org/robotics .
Learn about the LEGO Robotics Programs and how participation can benefit and inspire your girl. There are opportunities for Daisies through Ambassadors (K-12) to gain confidence in their abilities to positively use technology. All robotics teams participate in the FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Leagues. FIRST® aims to inspire girls to become science and technology leaders. This informational session will overview the GSEM Robotics Program, FIRST® Robotics, and what to do next if you or your girl are interested in becoming a member of the robotics program.
What is the difference between a team and a troop? A robotics team is an activity your troop or Juliette does. Team formation options include:
• A robotics team can be the entire troop • A robotics team can be part of the troop • A robotics team can be made up of Girl Scouts frommultiple troops When are robotics teams active? • FLL Discover – Active September through March. Celebration held in March • FLL Explore – Active September through March. Expos held in February and March • FLL Challenge – Active August through January. Competitions held in December and January • FIRST ® Tech Challenge – Active September through March. Competitions held November through March • FIRST ® Robotics Competition – Active January through March. Competition held in March • SeaPerch – Active January through April. Competition held in April
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 33
Adult Courses
American Red Cross Certification Courses A qualified First Aider must accompany a troop when they participate in certain activities. American Red Cross certification courses that provide this qualification include Adult and Pediatric First Aid/ CPR/AED and Wilderness and Remote First Aid.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri fully embraces virtual learning in the future to make volunteer training more convenient and accessible to as many people as possible. Because our volunteers’ time is valuable, we hope to create more blended learning opportunities for our skills-based courses, so that volunteers may complete the knowledge portion of the course online at their convenience while completing skills practice in-person. We know that in-person training and adult programs provide a sense of community that many of our adult members enjoy, and these in-person experiences will still be part of our adult learning curriculum. Our goal is to build upon this and expand our curriculum to include more online courses and live virtual events so that we can efficiently and effectively reach the widest audience possible within our Council and help our volunteers achieve their learning goals. Core Curriculum Courses These courses provide volunteers with important information, ideas, and procedures to fulfill various Council roles. Note that the New Troop Leader Training is a required course for all new leaders and assistant leaders and must be completed within 30 days of it being assigned in gsLearn. Archery Certification Courses This section outlines the new USA Archery procedures for the registration and completion of USA Archery Level 1 and Level 2 Instructor courses. Troop Camp Certification Courses Adult volunteers who plan to camp with girls on or off Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri-owned property must be Troop Camp Certified. Troop Camp Certification courses ensure adult volunteers know how to plan a Troop Camping experience that is safe and that everyone enjoys. Courses are grouped in the following categories:
Aquatic Courses Each Girl Scouts Small Craft Safety course is
comprised of an online learning portion and an in- person skills session. All online learning components/ prerequisites must be completed before attending the in-person skills session. Completion of any Girl Scouts Small Craft Safety course acknowledges the successful completion of all requirements for that course. Girl Scouts Small Craft Safety program courses are renewable every three years. Program Levels Program levels follow course titles. Adults working with the level indicated would benefit the most from the course. Seniors and Ambassadors are welcome to attend courses in this publication, unless otherwise indicated. They would register as an adult but must bring a signed parent permission form. Course Registration For detailed online registration instructions and how to register via paper application, see pg. 65. For Assistance with registering, please contact the Answer Center at 314.400.4600 or answercenter@girlscoutsem.org . For information about our Council’s COVID-19 protocols, including course cancellation and refund policies, please refer to the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri COVID-19 Response Guidelines.
34 Lead & Learn Spring 2022
Taking Your Trainings Anywhere with gsLearn
Designed to help meet our volunteers’ modern learning needs, gsLearn offers online training resources, delivered on demand for the busy adult, and even tracks course progress! Learn at your own pace, access additional resources and review information when you need it. Added Convenience for Volunteers • gsLearn makes learning and completing courses easier than ever • All Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri training opportunities in one place • Centralized tracking of all online, virtual and in-person course completions • Easy access to personal training histories in Achievements • Browse courses and learning paths in the Content Library • Access to new Movement-wide online learning opportunities created by GSUSA • gsLearn may be accessed on mobile devices How do I register for courses in gsLearn? There are multiple ways to register for courses in gsLearn depending on the course type: • No need to register for online courses—they are accessible anytime • Register for in-person or virtual courses with NO fees by selecting and opening the course in gsLearn, then clicking Register in the upper right corner • Register for in-person courses with fees by selecting and opening the course in gsLearn, then following the link to our external registration page to complete the registration and payment process
You may also register for courses by: • Directly accessing the gsEvents registration page on our website (in-person courses with fees only) • Filling out a paper registration form • Contacting the Answer Center at 314.400.4600 or answercenter@girlscoutsem.org .
Lead & Learn Spring 2022 35
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