Spring 2025 Lead & Learn
Small Craft Safety: Sailing Learning Path
Level: Junior-Ambassador
Learning Path Description : This learning path contains all the courses required to be trained in Small Craft Safety: Sailing. Completing this learning path allows volunteers to be the primary or secondary trained waterfront personnel required to open a lake or supervise troop small sailboat outings for Juniors through Ambassadors on flat water at GSEM camp lakes or off-property. Some courses in this learning path are blended learning and contain online and in-person components, while others are online only. Each course within the learning path (online or in person) is individually renewable every three years.
Learning Path Access : Learning path available in the Content Library in gsLearn. Open the learning path, then register for or access each course component separately from within the learning path.
Small Craft Safety: Sailing with Basic Water Rescue
Level: Junior-Ambassador
Course Description : This blended-learning course consists of online modules, seven video lectures, and an in-person skills session. In this course, volunteers will learn specialized hands-on skills to build competence and confidence in managing a small sailboat during a sailing experience at GSEM camp lakes or off-property. Participants will learn the skills needed to take a group of Girl Scouts sailing, sailing terminology, points of sail, how to rig and maneuver a sailboat, how to manage a boat in high and low winds, and what to do in the event of capsizing. The in-person skills component requires strenuous physical activity, including capsizing, emptying, and reboarding a small sailboat while wearing a life jacket. Practicing these skills may result in minor scratches or bruises. This course is broken up into two, two-hour sessions to accommodate participants who also want to take Small Craft Safety: Canoeing. New this year : To make registering for Small Craft Safety: Sailing and its prerequisite, Basic Water Rescue, simple and convenient, these two courses are now bundled into a single blended-learning course. Basic Water Rescue may still be completed as a stand-alone course if desired. Course Registration : This course may only be accessed via the Small Craft Safety: Sailing learning path. Register for the in-person portion of this course by opening the course within the learning path in gsLearn, selecting Start This Course, and following the direct link to gsEvents for the desired date, or by searching in gsEvents. The accompanying online modules are available in gsLearn within the course itself.
Sat. 6/14
8-10 am, noon-2 pm $15
Camp Tuckaho
Small Craft Safety Training (GSUSA)
Level: All
Course Description : These introductory instructional videos, provided by Girl Scouts of the USA, serve as a visual resource for many of the skills taught in our Small Craft Safety learning paths, such as paddling strokes, navigating a craft, and more.
Course Access : This course may only be accessed via the Small Craft Safety learning paths, available in the Content Library in gsLearn.
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