Spring 2020 Lead & Learn
ADULT AND CHILD CPR/AED: ALL Certification: Adult and Child CPR/AED certification is valid for two years. This course serves as the prerequisite for Wilderness and Remote First Aid. Demonstration of skills is required for certification.
Girls 16 years of age and older are welcome to attend. Course fee is due at registration and includes the American Red Cross Certification. Financial assistance is available.
Other Info
6-10:30 pm Camp Cedarledge
Fee: $22
The American Red Cross Participant Manual will be available for reference during the course.
The American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED Participant Manual will be available for purchase during the course for $12 or you may download it from redcross.org at no charge.
Adult or Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Ready Reference Skill Cards will be available for purchase during the course for $4 each or you may download them from redcross.org at no charge. The CPR keychain with face shield and gloves will be available for purchase during the course for $4.75 each.
WILDERNESS AND REMOTE FIRST AID: ALL Prerequisite: Current Adult and Child CPR/AED certification
Certification: Wilderness and Remote First Aid certification is valid for two years.
This certification provides individuals with a foundation of First Aid skills so they can respond to emergencies and give care in areas without immediate emergency medical response (EMS). This certification is required when emergency medical response (EMS) will take more than 30 minutes to arrive.
Successful course completion requires participation in all course activities and skill sessions. Some practice sessions may require strenuous physical activity, including walking uphill or on uneven terrain.
Note: If accommodations are needed, or if you have any questions about your ability to participate fully in this course, please contact Shaun Lindhoff at slindhoff@girlscoutsem.org or 314.400.4628.
Girls 16 years of age and older are welcome to attend. Course fee is due at registration and includes overnight accommodations, lunch Saturday afternoon, dinner Saturday evening and breakfast on Sunday morning.
Sa-Su 3/14-3/15 9 am, Sa-3 pm, Su Camp Cedarledge
Fee: $55
Participants receive an American Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid Emergency Reference Guide and Pocket Guide. Financial assistance is available.
This icon identifies which adult courses help complete a certification.
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