GSEM Employee Handbook 2022-2023
FEDERAL CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION EXEMPTION, 501(c)(3) Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri is recognized as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization by the IRS.
The 501(c)(3) exemption relates to our exempt purpose under federal law and is not directly related to exemptions from state sales taxes. Contact the Chief Financial Officer if you need a copy of the 501(c)(3) federal exemption form. FIRST AID KITS First Aid kits are available at the reception desk (cabinet behind desk), break room (drawer is labeled), Data Center 2 (on the shelving) and in Human Resources (on top of the file cabinet in front of HR Administrator’s office). GREETING CARDS The Council does not give out an employee’s home address, but if you would like to send a greeting card to a co-worker, you may bring the card in a stamped envelope to Human Resources. Human Resources will address the card and put it in the US Mail. HOLIDAY DECORATIONS Public areas of the Service Center may be decorated to reflect seasons. Individual workspaces may be decorated with personal items appropriate for a diverse, youth-serving organization. If a staff member has a desk in the public area, personal decorations should not be visible to the public. INSPECTIONS Desks and other storage devices are provided for the convenience of employees but remain the sole property of the Council. Accordingly, any agent or representative of the Council can inspect them, as well as any articles found within them, at any time, either with or without prior notice. Any inspection should occur with the knowledge of the Chief Executive Officer or designee. Any inspection involving the presence of the employee must be conducted on paid work time. JURISDICTIONAL MAP The Jurisdictional Map shows all the counties represented by the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri (refer to Appendix A at the end of this handbook). MILEAGE It is Council policy to reimburse employees for reasonable business travel expense incurred while conducting business away from the normal work location. Guidelines: • GSEM will reimburse employee for miles driven in their personal vehicle for GSEM business at the IRS Standard Mileage Rate. Reimbursed mileage is calculated as total business-related daily miles driven, less your normal round-trip commute.
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