GSEM 2023 Adult Recognition Handbook
AntRabbit Award for Camping Service Excellence The AntRabbit Award for Camping Service Excellence honors a longtime volunteer whose exemplary service and leadership has made a lasting and measurable impact on the council’s camping program. This individual should believe in the benefits of camping and should have worked to encourage more Girls Scouts to experience the outdoors. Criteria • The candidate is a registered Girl Scout with 15 or more years of volunteer service devoted to camping programs • The candidate served in at least one leadership role within a camping program • The candidate’s service was truly exemplary and had a lasting and measurable impact on one or more of the council’s camping programs • The candidate, through their leadership and service, promoted the benefits of camping and worked to encourage more Girl Scouts to experience the outdoors Example of Candidate • A volunteer who has been a Camp Supervisor for 22 years, served on several camp committees, and assisted with the climbing wall and zipline at Camp Fiddlecreek for 8 years. She is a longtime council trainer, teaching courses on troop camping, outdoor cooking, and small craft safety. Eighteen years ago, she started a day camp in her district that is still going strong, with increased girl participation nearly every year. The day camp offers an overnight camp component for girls who attend the day camp, so that they can become familiar with everything our council camps have to offer.
Procedures for Recommendation See pg. 29 for submission details.
A completed online nomination and recommendation form from the nominator, plus three additional recommendation forms, are required.
Adult Recognition Handbook 26
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