GSEM 2023 Adult Recognition Handbook
Gold Laurel Award The Gold Laurel Award recognizes an individual who, through their leadership, made a superior contribution of outstanding, unusual and lasting service in support of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Criteria • The candidate was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The candidate demonstrated superior leadership qualities and performance in their position • The outstanding service performed by the candidate resulted in lasting outcomes that benefited the council or the entire Girl Scout organization Examples of Candidate • A volunteer passionate about camp was looking for new and exciting ways to promote Overnight and Day Camp in her district. She created exciting videos that showed what girls do at camp. These videos were used in all neighborhoods in her district. She had camp staff and girls attend her presentations to share their stories and get others excited about camping. Her love of camp is known by everyone she meets. She helped with camp at the council level by co-chairing a Troop Camp certification training. • A volunteer who took on the role of troop leader in 2020, added another troop in 2021 and then another in 2022. She continues to lead all three troops. Since 2019, she has also served as a Troop Organizer for all the Girl Scout troops in a school. She also facilitates a thriving annual event in the community. In these roles as well as other leadership positions, she has enriched the lives of countless girls.
Procedures for Recommendation See pg. 29 for submission details.
A completed online nomination and recommendation form from the nominator, plus three additional recommendation forms, are required.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri 25
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