GSEM 2023 Adult Recognition Handbook
Adult Recognition Handbook
YOUR SUPPORT Table of Contents
Adult Recognition...............................................................................................................................3
Levels of Adult Recognition...............................................................................................................5
Volunteer Recognition Ceremony......................................................................................................6
Adult Recognition Descriptions.........................................................................................................7 Neighborhood-Level Recognitions........................................................................................ 8 District-Level Recognitions....................................................................................................13 Council-Level Recognitions...................................................................................................18
Submission Process..........................................................................................................................29
Selection Process..............................................................................................................................32
Guidelines and procedures set forth in this handbook are in accordance with the Adult Recognition Plan approved by the Board of Directors on November 18, 1984.
This handbook supersedes all previous guidelines.
The online nomination procedures for council-level recognitions have been improved to include award-specific recommendation forms, to be used by those nominating candidates as well as those submitting additional recommendations. Detailed instructions for the nomination submission process are located on pg. 29.
All necessary forms and reference information required to nominate candidates for any Adult Recognition are conveniently located in the Adult Recognition section of our website.
Council-level recognition nominations for the 2022/23 Girl Scout year must be submitted no later than February 9, 2024.
PLEASE NOTE: Both new and previously used designs in recognition insignia are valid and can appropriately be displayed on Girl Scout uniforms.
Publication revised November 2023.
Adult Recognition Handbook 2
YOUR SUPPORT Adult Recognition
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri places a high value on recognizing the adults who make a difference in girls’ lives. Awards and earned recognitions provide a means to acknowledge individuals, troops, neighborhoods, districts and community groups, in or out of Girl Scouts, for their unique service. This handbook contains all the information necessary to nominate a special volunteer or community member and highlight their accomplishments, including recognition descriptions and criteria, a detailed outline of the nomination process for each level of recognition, and helpful links to online forms and resources. What is Recognition? Recognition is given to acknowledge service. People volunteer for countless reasons, but underneath it all most volunteers are motivated by the quality of their service and the people they serve. When volunteers know their time and energy are appreciated and they are valued by Girl Scouts, they commit themselves even more to the organization and the mission of building girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. Adult recognition can be one of the most powerful tools for retaining the invaluable individuals who volunteer for our organization. The Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Adult Recognition Program reflects: • Quality of accomplishment as the primary determining factor in recognizing adult contributions • Impact on girls as the leading measure of quality • Acknowledgment of many kinds of contributions (time, talent and treasure) • Support of the Girl Scout mission through policies and procedures outlined in Volunteer Essentials • Understanding and practice of inclusive behavior Recognition reinforces high expectations and encourages continued growth and development. It is not a competition. Awards encourage adults to commit to greater levels of involvement and support while they help girls develop skills, values and ideals to reach their fullest potential through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Forms of Recognition Showing appreciation for volunteers is essential. They contribute countless hours toward Girl Scouts on top of their own busy schedules and hectic lives. Girl Scouting wouldn’t be the same without them. Recognition comes in many forms throughout the year. • Thank You: Everyone should get one! Informal recognitions, like thank you’s, should be used throughout the year. A thank you could include a greeting card, note or certificate • Special Thank You: These are reserved for a job well done. A special thank you could include a bouquet of flowers, small gift or a cake • Service Awards: Service Awards are given for years of service with the organization • Adult Recognitions: Adult Recognitions are given for outstanding service that leaves a lasting legacy or impact 2. Write next to each name what kind of recognition is most meaningful and applicable for the individual. Would it be fun for them to receive recognition in front of a crowd? Would they appreciate recognition in private? 3. Highlight the individuals who went above and beyond. Should they receive a neighborhood, district or council recognition? Consider the outstanding service or leadership that individual provided, who it benefited, and how great an impact it made when determining which award would be most appropriate 4. Search the Past Awardee Database to ensure the volunteer you would like to nominate has not already received the specific award. Please be aware when searching the database that names may have changed over the years. If you need assistance determining past award recipients, please contact the Adult Education department at 5. Review council’s strategic plan or impact report to determine if a candidate contributed to the council’s mission-delivery goals or overall goals What Can Recognitions Do? For the Adult Girl Scout Recognitions help the individual appreciate their own accomplishments and the worth of their position as a part of the Girl Scout Movement. How Do I Know Who to Recognize? 1. List all the people who helped you the past membership year in Girl Scouts
For the Troop Recognitions for parents at the troop level build a base of support for the girls in the troop.
For the Neighborhood Recognitions can be part of neighborhood traditions and contribute to the continuity of Girl Scouting. For the District Recognitions acknowledge the hard work of the “behind-the-scenes” volunteers who keep the system working.
Adult Recognition Handbook 4
YOUR SUPPORT Levels of Adult Recognition
Neighborhood-Level Recognitions Neighborhoods may recognize outstanding volunteers and community members or groups with a variety of awards. Neighborhood Service Teams play a huge role in the nomination and formal recognition process for these awards by: • Providing information to volunteers within their neighborhood about the kinds of recognitions available • Planning, implementing, and sharing information about award nomination procedures • Securing award certificates and pins from the GSEM Shop • Planning the times and methods for the formal recognition of awardees Neighborhood-level recognitions include: First-Year Leader Certificate, 5- or 10-Year Service Certificate, Award of Merit Certificate, Daisy Award Pin, Promise Award Pin, and Outstanding Leader Award Pin. The nomination criteria for each award are provided in this handbook. District-Level Recognitions Districts have three award options to recognize volunteers whose exemplary service benefited one or more neighborhoods or the entire district. Similar to Neighborhood Service Teams, District Service Teams play an important role in the nomination and formal recognition process for these awards by: • Providing information to volunteers within their district about the kinds of recognitions available • Planning, implementing, and sharing information about award nomination procedures • Securing award pins from the GSEM Shop • Planning the times and methods for the formal recognition of awardees • Coordinating with Neighborhood Service Teams, when appropriate, to facilitate the nomination and formal recognition of deserving volunteers Council-Level Recognitions Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri provides many opportunities to recognize exceptional individuals or groups whose leadership or service had a measurable impact at the council- or Movement-wide level. There is a rigorous nomination and selection process for most council level recognitions which, along with award descriptions, are outlined in this handbook. Council-level recognitions include: Special Service Award, Spark Award, Volunteer of Excellence Award, Gold Trefoil Award, President’s Award, Pearl Award, Diversity Hall of Fame, Gold Laurel Award, AntRabbit Award for Camping Service Excellence, Thanks Badge and Thanks Badge II. District-level recognitions include: Outstanding Volunteer Award Pin, Appreciation Award Pin, and Honor Award Pin. The nomination criteria for each award are provided in this handbook.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
YOUR SUPPORT Volunteer Recognition Ceremony
Every year, the Girls Scouts of Eastern Missouri Board of Directors recognizes and celebrates our outstanding volunteers and community members during our Volunteer Recognition Ceremony. This inspirational and much-anticipated event showcases the exceptional acts of service and leadership performed within our council during the previous membership year. The annual Volunteer Recognition Ceremony only highlights council-level recognitions. Neighborhood- and district-level recognitions may be awarded at separate ceremonies or events hosted by local neighborhoods and districts.
The next Volunteer Recognition Ceremony, which will recognize awardees for the 2023 membership year (Oct. 1, 2022-Sept. 30, 2023), will be held on March 23, 2024 .
Girl Scout Leadership Experience
In the award descriptions in this Handbook, you will often see the term Girl Scout Leadership Experience , or GSLE. The Girl Scout Leadership Experience is the core of the Girl Scout program and encompasses everything from our Promise and Law to our badges, activities, and Journeys. At Girl Scouts, everything centers around the girl, and it is what makes Girl Scouts truly unique. At the base of it all are three keys and three processes. • Discover: When Girl Scouts take part in fun and exciting activities, they discover who they are, what they care about, and where their talents lie. • Connect: When Girl Scouts collaborate with others—both inside and outside of their troop—they connect and expand their horizons. • Take Action: When girls deepen their relationship with the world around them, they are eager to take action to improve the local community and the greater global community. What girls do in Girl Scouting all fit within our three keys: Discover, Connect, and Take Action.
So, how do we do it? The Girl Scout Leadership Experience draws on three unique processes—Girl-led, Learning-by-Doing, and Cooperative Learning—that encourage girls to try new things and develop the skills and confidence to say, “I know I can do this!” • Girl-led: Girl Scouts take the lead, no matter their age. • Learning-by-Doing: Hands-on activities help Girl Scouts feel empowered to shape their own experience. • Cooperative Learning: Girl Scouts see firsthand that teamwork, respect, and collaboration can fuel them through any challenge that comes their way.
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Neighborhood-Level Recognitions
First-Year Leader Certificate
Troop leaders or assistant leaders who have served in their role for one year and completed New Troop Leader Training
Neighborhood Manager or designate
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Five- or Ten-Year Service Certificate
Volunteer serving the organization for the number of years indicated
Neighborhood Manager or designate
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Award of Merit Certificate
Volunteer or community friend who contributed outstanding service and dedication to the organization
Any individual or group
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Daisy Award Pin
Troop leader, Neighborhood Service Team member or other volunteer who provided outstanding service within the neighborhood
Neighborhood Manager or designate
Neighborhood Manager completes Neighborhood Pin Approval Form online prior to purchasing the pin at the Girl Scout Shop
Promise Award Pin
Any adult member serving in a capacity other than or in addition to troop leader or assistant leader who has provided sustained service exceeding expectations benefiting an entire neighborhood
Neighborhood Manager or designate
Neighborhood Manager completes Neighborhood Pin Approval Form online prior to purchasing the pin at the Girl Scout Shop
Outstanding Leader Award Pin
A troop leader or assistant leader who demonstrated exceptional service in working with girls in the neighborhood
Neighborhood Manager or designate
Neighborhood Manager completes Neighborhood Pin Approval Form online prior to purchasing the pin at the Girl Scout Shop
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Neighborhood Level
First-Year Leader
The First-Year Leader Certificate recognizes a troop leader or assistant troop leader who has served in their role for one year and has completed New Troop Leader Training.
Criteria • The recipient was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The recipient must have completed one year as a Girl Scout leader or assistant leader and completed New Troop Leader Training Procedure for Recommendation Neighborhood Service Team members assist the Neighborhood Manager in identifying volunteers who have earned the recognition. No approval process is required. Recognitions are presented at a neighborhood meeting or event. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri supplies the certificate, which may be picked up at the Girl Scout Shop. No form is required.
Five- or Ten-Year Service Certificate
Certificate presented by the Neighborhood Manager or designate to adult volunteers who have been active members in the organization for 5 or 10 years.
Criteria • The recipient was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The recipient has completed 5 or 10 years of active service Procedure for Recommendation Neighborhood Service Team members assist the Neighborhood Manager in identifying volunteers who have earned the recognition. No further approval process is required. Recognitions are presented at a neighborhood meeting or event. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri supplies the certificate, which may be picked up at the Girl Scout Shop.
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Award of Merit
The Award of Merit recognizes an adult member or community friend who has contributed to Girl Scouts by providing outstanding service and dedication to the organization.
Criteria • Recipients may or may not be members of Girl Scouts • Recipients have demonstrated outstanding service
Procedure for Recommendation Recognitions are presented at troop/group meetings or any suitable location at any time of year. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri supplies the certificates, which may be picked up at the Girl Scout Shop. No further approval process is required.
Daisy Award Pin
The Daisy Award Pin recognizes a troop leader, Neighborhood Service Team member or other volunteer who provided outstanding service within the neighborhood.
Criteria • The candidate was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The candidate has acquired appropriate training or equivalent experience for the position held • The candidate has exceeded the expectations of their position Examples of Candidate • A volunteer who directed a local event offering fun, skill-building activities and an opportunity to meet with other Girl Scouts.
• A Neighborhood Cookie Manager who worked with troop leaders to develop goals and techniques to drastically increase cookies sales.
Procedure for Recommendation and Approval Neighborhood Service Team members or any adult member recommends candidates to the Neighborhood Manager. Once the award candidates are chosen, the Neighborhood Manager completes the Neighborhood Pin Approval Form online to indicate award approval. Daisy Award Pins may then be purchased from the Girl Scout Shop by the Neighborhood Manager or their representative. Recognitions may be presented at a neighborhood meeting or event.
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Promise Award Pin The Promise Award Pin recognizes any adult member serving in a capacity other than or in addition to troop leader or assistant leader who has provided sustained volunteer service exceeding expectations and benefiting an entire neighborhood. Criteria • The candidate was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The candidate serves the organization in a capacity other than or in addition to leader or assistant leader • The candidate has acquired appropriate training or equivalent experience for the position held • The candidate has exceeded expectations as outlined in the position description, if applicable Examples of Candidate • A troop support volunteer who contacted local agencies to identify community needs, communicated those needs to troops and planned a celebration to recognize their community service efforts.
• An Event Planning Director who organized a well-attended, skill-building neighborhood campout.
Procedure for Recommendation and Approval Neighborhood Service Team members or any adult member recommends candidates to the Neighborhood Manager. Once the award candidates are chosen, the Neighborhood Manager completes the Neighborhood Pin Approval Form online to indicate award approval. Promise Award Pins may then be purchased from the Girl Scout Shop by the Neighborhood Manager or their representative. Recognitions may be presented at a neighborhood meeting or event.
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Outstanding Leader Award Pin The Outstanding Leader Award Pin recognizes a troop leader or assistant leader who demonstrated exceptional service in working with girls within the neighborhood. Criteria • The candidate was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The candidate has completed New Troop Leader Training • The candidate has exceeded expectations outlined in the position description Examples of Candidate • A troop leader whose creative activities attracted an increasing number of girls to an after school program.
• An assistant troop leader who organized a neighborhood World Thinking Day event offering girls an opportunity to taste food from different parts of the world.
Procedure for Recommendation and Approval Neighborhood Service Team members or any adult member recommends candidates to the Neighborhood Manager. Once the award candidates are chosen, the Neighborhood Manager completes the Neighborhood Pin Approval Form online to indicate award approval. Outstanding Leader Award Pins may then be purchased from the Girl Scout Shop by the Neighborhood Manager or their representative. Recognitions may be presented at a neighborhood meeting or event.
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District-Level Recognitions
Outstanding Volunteer Award Pin
A member serving in a volunteer role other than or in addition to troop leader or assistant leader whose service exceeded expectations for the position
District Manager or designate
District Manager completes and signs District Pin Approval Form online prior to purchasing the pin at the Girl Scout Shop
Appreciation Award Pin
An individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience with impact on one geographical area of service
District Manager or designate
District Manager completes and signs District Pin Approval Form online prior to purchasing the pin at the Girl Scout Shop
Honor Award Pin
An individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience which has had measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service, allowing the council to reach and surpass its mission delivery goals
District Manager or designate
District Manager completes and signs District Pin Approval Form online prior to purchasing the pin at the Girl Scout Shop
12 Adult Recognition Handbook
District Level
Outstanding Volunteer Award Pin The Outstanding Volunteer Award Pin recognizes a member serving in a volunteer role other than or in addition to troop leader or assistant leader whose service exceeded expectations for the position. Criteria • The candidate is an active, registered adult Girl Scout during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The candidate benefited the district in a capacity other than or in addition to troop leader or assistant leader • The candidate’s service benefited the district in a way that is above expectations for the position Examples of Candidate • A Day Camp Director who managed a successful area-wide event on more than one occasion, increasing participation each year.
• A council trainer who organized an annual training event for troop leadership, contributing to year-over-year adult member retention in the district.
Procedure for Recommendation and Approval District Service Team members or any adult member recommends candidates to the District Manager. Once the award candidates are chosen, the District Manager completes the District Pin Approval Form online to indicate award approval. Outstanding Volunteer Award Pins may then be purchased from the Girl Scout Shop by the District Manager or their representative. Recognitions may be presented at a district meeting or event.
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Appreciation Award Pin The Appreciation Award Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience with impact on one geographic area of service. Criteria • The candidate was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The service performed by the candidate exceeded expectations and had a measurable impact on one or more geographical areas of service Examples of Candidate • A volunteer organized and led a Highest Award workshop for Juniors-Ambassadors, increasing girl engagement and participation in a district. • After noticing many leaders in the district were struggling with implementing the Journeys, a volunteer organized a Journey Workshop to help leaders get the most out of the experience. The Workshop made it easier for troops to incorporate Journeys into their troop activities and made the implementation of the Journeys run smoother. Procedure for Recommendation and Approval District Service Team members or any adult member recommends candidates to the District Manager. Once the award candidates are chosen, the District Manager completes the District Pin Approval Form online to indicate award approval. Appreciation Award Pins may then be purchased from the Girl Scout Shop by the District Manager or their representative. Recognitions may be presented at a district meeting or event.
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Honor Award Pin The Honor Award Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience which has had measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service, allowing the council to reach and surpass its mission delivery goals. Criteria • The candidate was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The service performed by the candidate exceeded expectations and had a measurable impact on two or more geographical areas of service Examples of Candidate • After noticing a steady decline in attendance of an annual multi-district event, this volunteer took charge to revitalize it. This event was traditionally only offered to Girl Scout Juniors. This volunteer opened up the event to Juniors-Ambassadors throughout the council jurisdiction and modified activities to pique the interest of older girls. Older girl participation in this event continues to increase year-over-year, making it a huge success. • A volunteer council trainer noticed that there was increasing confusion among volunteers in her district surrounding the troop trip application process. Using her facilitation and networking skills, she began to offer a troop trips course several times throughout the year to volunteers council-wide. Her efforts resulted in an increase in girl engagement through participation in troop trips. Procedure for Recommendation and Approval District Service Team members or any adult member recommends candidates to the District Manager. Once the award candidates are chosen, the District Manager completes the District Pin Approval Form online to indicate award approval. Honor Award Pins may then be purchased from the Girl Scout Shop by the District Manager or their representative. Recognitions may be presented at a district meeting or event.
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Council-Level Recognitions
Special Service Award
Adult members with a minimum of 15 years of service as an adult member, given at 5-year intervals
Board Committee Chair or designate
Special Service Award online application
6” engraved silver tray
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Spark Award
An individual or group who served in a short-term, non traditional volunteer role and contributed outstanding service to support a program, event or the mission of Girl Scouts
Board Committee Chair or designate
Completed online nomination form and recommendation form from nominator plus one additional recommendation form
An individual or committee/team chair receives a personalized, engraved crystal trophy, 5” ht. Members of the committee/team receive a personalized certificate
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Volunteer of Excellence Award
A volunteer who has contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with girls to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, or who has contributed outstanding service in support of the council’s mission delivery goals to girl and adult members
Board Committee Chair or designate
Completed online nomination form and recommendation form from nominator plus one additional recommendation form
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Gold Trefoil Award
An individual or group outside of Girl Scouting whose superior contribution created pronounced council-wide impact
Board Committee Chair or designate
Completed online nominaiton form and recommendation form from nominator plus one additional recommendation form
An individual or group receives a 7” x 9” personalized walnut plaque. Additional
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
members of a committee/ team receive a personalized certificate
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
A service-delivery team or committee whose exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience surpassed team goals and resulted in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s overall goals
Service team/committee chair receives a 5” x 7” personalized walnut plaque. Additional committee/team members receive a personalized certificate
Completed online nomination form and recommendation
Board Committee Chair or designate
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
President’s Award
form from nominator plus two additional recommendation forms
An individual who is new to Girl Scouts and made an immediate impact on the organization through service in a district or neighborhood
Completed online nomination form and recommendation form from nominator plus two additional recommendation forms
Pearl Award
Board Committee Chair or designate
Mother of pearl shell pendant
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Individual, group, agency, institution or organization receives a personalized plaque and acknowledgment on plaque in the Girl Scout Service Center
Individual, group, agency, institution or organization that has made outstanding contributions with respect to diversity, equity and inclusion in Girl Scouts
Completed online nomination form and recommendation form from nominator plus two additional recommendation forms
Diversity Hall of Fame
Board Committee Chair or designate
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Completed online nomination form and recommendation form from nominator plus three additional recommendation forms
Individual who has made a superior contribution of outstanding, unusual and lasting service in support of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Board Committee Chair or designate
Gold Laurel Award
Completed online nomination form and recommendation form from nominator plus three additional recommendation forms
A volunteer whose exemplary service and leadership has made a lasting and measurable impact on the council’s camping program
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
AntRabbit Award for Camping Excellence
Board Committee Chair or designate
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An individual whose ongoing commitment,
Completed online nomination form and recommendation form from nominator plus three additional recommendation forms
leadership and service had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the council or the entire Girl Scout organization Continuing service of a member who has already received the Thanks Badge and who continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role, resulting in a measurable impact that benefited the council or entire Girl Scout organization
Board Committee Chair or designate
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Thanks Badge
Completed online nomination form and recommendation form from nominator plus four additional recommendation forms
Board Committee Chair or designate
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Thanks Badge II
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Council Level
Spark Award The Spark Award recognizes an individual or group who served in a short-term, non traditional volunteer role and contributed outstanding service to support a program, event or the mission of Girl Scouts. Criteria • The candidate is a short-term volunteer who does not hold a traditional position in Girl Scouts • The service contributed supported a program, event, or the mission of Girl Scouts Examples of Candidate • A GSEM volunteer who was unable to serve in a year-round capacity, but elected to organize and manage a fundraising event for the council to support registration scholarships for girls.
• A local garden society that supported Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri by hosting an annual badge workshop for Daisies-Juniors that taught the benefits of growing their own produce.
Procedures for Recommendation See pg. 29 for submission details.
A completed online nomination and recommendation form from the nominator, plus one additional recommendation form, are required.
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Volunteer of Excellence Award The Volunteer of Excellence Award recognizes volunteers who have contributed outstanding service while directly partnering with girls in any pathway to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through the use of the National Program Portfolio or who contributed outstanding service in support of the council’s mission delivery to girl and adult members. Criteria • The candidate was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The candidate completed a term of service and all requirements for the position • The candidate’s performance was beyond expectations while partnering with girls to deliver the Girl Scout Leadership Experience or supported the council’s mission-delivery goals in one or more of the following functional areas: membership development/ community cultivation, volunteer relations and support, program, fund development or council support service Examples of Candidate • Wanting to see more girls earn Highest Awards, a volunteer worked closely with council to develop materials for the Gold Award. She worked hard to ensure the girls understood the process and helped them reach their goals. Because retention of girls and adults was important to her, she has written many modules and workshops for trainers. • When GSUSA announced the new Girl Scout Trailblazer program, this volunteer worked closely with council to promote the program by developing plans and materials to help girls build outdoor confidence, interest and competence, while understanding the true meaning of environmental stewardship. Afterward, this volunteer continued to mentor GSEM troop leadership to grow the program.
Procedures for Recommendation See pg. 29 for submission details.
A completed online nomination and recommendation form from the nominator plus one additional recommendation form, are required.
Adult Recognition Handbook 20
Gold Trefoil Award
The Gold Trefoil Award recognizes an individual or group outside of Girl Scouting whose superior contribution created a pronounced council-wide impact.
Criteria • The individual or group is outside of the Girl Scout organization • The candidate made a superior contribution to Girl Scouts • The outstanding service performed by the candidate had a council-wide impact Examples of Candidate • An organization that provided meeting space free of charge to the neighborhood for troop meetings, adult training, neighborhood events and meetings, and district dinners. • A local fitness center offered their space to hold a recruitment event where adults could learn about Girl Scouts, while girls participated in a fun fitness activity led by professional trainers.
Procedures for Recommendation See pg. 29 for submission details.
A completed online nomination and recommendation form from the nominator, plus one additional recommendation form, are required.
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President’s Award The President’s Award recognizes the efforts of a Service Delivery Team or committee whose exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience surpassed team goals and resulted in a significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s overall goals. Criteria • Service Delivery Team or committee members were registered Girl Scout members during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • Service Delivery Team or committee members met all requirements and expectations of the positions held • The Service Delivery Team or committee surpassed team goals and significantly contributed to meeting one or more of the council’s mission-delivery or committee goals • The Service Delivery Team or committee reflects the diversity of the target audience or area it serves, in girl and adult membership, in all pathways offered Examples of Candidate • A Neighborhood Service Team saw an opportunity to recruit more girls within their schools. They implemented a new approach to recruitment by hosting individual school recruitments and then having one large recruitment night for the whole neighborhood. This allowed schools a second chance to get more girls interested in Girl Scouts. This new method of recruitment led to an overall increase in girl membership. • This Neighborhood Service Team worked together to overcome the limitations of recruiting Girl Scouts during a pandemic by promoting and facilitating virtual recruitment events throughout the neighborhood. This helped the neighborhood maintain the high girl membership levels that were seen in previous years.
Procedures for Recommendation See pg. 29 for submission details.
A completed online nomination and recommendation form from the nominator, plus two additional recommendation forms, are required.
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Pearl Award The Pearl Award recognizes the outstanding service of an individual who is new to Girl Scouts and has made an immediate impact on the organization through service in a specific geographic district and/or neighborhood. An ideal candidate for this recognition is a volunteer who hit the ground running in their first two years as a Girl Scout volunteer. Criteria • The candidate was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The candidate served as an adult Girl Scout volunteer for a minimum of six months and a maximum of two years by the end of the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The service performed by the candidate was impactful at the district and/or neighborhood level in a way that was above and beyond what would be expected of a newer volunteer Examples of Candidate • Though she just became a troop leader for the first time, this volunteer stepped up to be the Neighborhood Manager in an area that desperately needed leadership. As the new Neighborhood Manager, she revitalized the area by putting plans for new events into action. She networked with volunteers that ran fantastic events for their troops and encouraged them to offer these events neighborhood-wide as well. She increased morale and overall participation in the neighborhood within her first six months as a Girl Scout volunteer. • In her first two years of joining Girl Scouts, this troop support volunteer joined the Neighborhood Service Team and organized a hugely successful neighborhood camp event, creating a real sense of comradery and cohesiveness in the neighborhood.
Procedures for Recommendation See pg. 29 for submission details.
A completed online nomination and recommendation form from the nominator, plus two additional recommendation forms, are required.
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Diversity Hall of Fame The Diversity Hall of Fame recognizes an individual, group, agency, institution or organization that has made outstanding contributions with respect to diversity, equity and inclusion in Girl Scouts. Criteria • The candidate has significantly contributed to the advancement of diversity, equity and inclusion in Girl Scouts • The service performed by the candidate resulted in lasting outcomes that are aligned with the Council’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion • The candidate has made a contribution that helped to foster a more inclusive GSEM community, particularly for girls from historically marginalized backgrounds Examples of Candidate • A volunteer who spent her time researching best practices to support children with neurodivergence, and creatively adapted existing programs to better support Girl Scouts of all intellectual abilities. Her tireless effort and devotion helped make Girl Scouting available to every girl. • A Troop Organizer in an ethnically diverse school district who sought out resources to help her troop translate key fliers and materials, so that girls and families from Spanish speaking households would have more access to and information about the troop’s activities.
Procedures for Recommendation See pg. 29 for submission details.
A completed online nomination and recommendation form from the nominator, plus two additional recommendation forms, are required.
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Gold Laurel Award The Gold Laurel Award recognizes an individual who, through their leadership, made a superior contribution of outstanding, unusual and lasting service in support of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Criteria • The candidate was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The candidate demonstrated superior leadership qualities and performance in their position • The outstanding service performed by the candidate resulted in lasting outcomes that benefited the council or the entire Girl Scout organization Examples of Candidate • A volunteer passionate about camp was looking for new and exciting ways to promote Overnight and Day Camp in her district. She created exciting videos that showed what girls do at camp. These videos were used in all neighborhoods in her district. She had camp staff and girls attend her presentations to share their stories and get others excited about camping. Her love of camp is known by everyone she meets. She helped with camp at the council level by co-chairing a Troop Camp certification training. • A volunteer who took on the role of troop leader in 2020, added another troop in 2021 and then another in 2022. She continues to lead all three troops. Since 2019, she has also served as a Troop Organizer for all the Girl Scout troops in a school. She also facilitates a thriving annual event in the community. In these roles as well as other leadership positions, she has enriched the lives of countless girls.
Procedures for Recommendation See pg. 29 for submission details.
A completed online nomination and recommendation form from the nominator, plus three additional recommendation forms, are required.
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AntRabbit Award for Camping Service Excellence The AntRabbit Award for Camping Service Excellence honors a longtime volunteer whose exemplary service and leadership has made a lasting and measurable impact on the council’s camping program. This individual should believe in the benefits of camping and should have worked to encourage more Girls Scouts to experience the outdoors. Criteria • The candidate is a registered Girl Scout with 15 or more years of volunteer service devoted to camping programs • The candidate served in at least one leadership role within a camping program • The candidate’s service was truly exemplary and had a lasting and measurable impact on one or more of the council’s camping programs • The candidate, through their leadership and service, promoted the benefits of camping and worked to encourage more Girl Scouts to experience the outdoors Example of Candidate • A volunteer who has been a Camp Supervisor for 22 years, served on several camp committees, and assisted with the climbing wall and zipline at Camp Fiddlecreek for 8 years. She is a longtime council trainer, teaching courses on troop camping, outdoor cooking, and small craft safety. Eighteen years ago, she started a day camp in her district that is still going strong, with increased girl participation nearly every year. The day camp offers an overnight camp component for girls who attend the day camp, so that they can become familiar with everything our council camps have to offer.
Procedures for Recommendation See pg. 29 for submission details.
A completed online nomination and recommendation form from the nominator, plus three additional recommendation forms, are required.
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Thanks Badge The Thanks Badge honors an individual whose ongoing commitment, leadership and service had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the council or the entire Girl Scout organization. Criteria • The candidate was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The outstanding service performed by the candidate resulted in outcomes that benefited the council or the entire Girl Scout organization, and was so significantly above and beyond the call of duty that no other award would be appropriate Example of Candidate • A volunteer who has a passion for training other volunteers, as evidenced by her many positions in the district. Along with being a council trainer, she personally mentored new troop leaders to help them sort through all the information they received in the first few months. She also served in her district as District Manager and District Equipment Manager. She assisted her district with an event in which record numbers of girls and adults participated. She went beyond the local level by regularly volunteering as Camp Supervisor and at council events.
Procedures for Recommendation See pg. 29 for submission details.
A completed online nomination and recommendation form from the nominator, plus three additional recommendation forms, are required.
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Thanks Badge II The Thanks Badge II honors a previous Thanks Badge recipient who continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role, resulting in a measurable impact that benefited the council or entire Girl Scout organization. Criteria • The candidate was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The candidate has previously received the Thanks Badge • The outstanding service performed by the candidate resulted in outcomes that benefited the council or the entire Girl Scout organization, and was so significantly above and beyond the call of duty that no other award would be appropriate. Example of Candidate • After receiving the Thanks Badge, this volunteer continued to dedicate herself to Girl Scouts. She served in her district as chair on various event committees and as Neighborhood Manager and District Manager for multiple terms. She taught numerous workshops and modules in an extra effort to bring more resources and tools to other volunteers. In everything she did, she worked to ensure girls came first and that programming was educational and fun. She served the Girl Scout organization as a whole by sharing her Girl Scout experience with others around the country as a Delegate at the National Convention. She continued to bridge the gap between seasoned volunteers while supporting new leaders.
Procedures for Recommendation See pg. 29 for submission details.
A completed online nomination and recommendation form from the nominator, plus four additional recommendation forms, are required.
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Submission Process
Adult Recognition Submission Process
Neighborhood- and District-Level Recognitions See the individual award descriptions for specific nomination details (if nomination is required). Neighborhood Managers and District Managers should use the online Neighborhood Pin Approval Form and the District Pin Approval Form, respectively, during the recommendation and approval phases of their awards. Special Service Award Candidates for the council-level Special Service Award, recognizing 15 or more years of service (in 5-year increments), should complete the Special Service Award Application, found as an online form in the Adult Recognition section of our website. This is the only council-level recognition in which a candidate may self-nominate (via the online application form). Please note, years registered as a girl member do not count toward service as an adult volunteer, nor do years as an adult member without actively participating in Girl Scouts, such as Lifetime Members or those who maintain annual membership without a volunteer role. Volunteer members may not receive missed Special Service Awards retroactively. Council-Level Recognitions Each council-level recognition has its own recommendation form tailored to each award’s specific criteria. These recommendation forms make it easier for those nominating or providing recommendations for a candidate to give detailed accounts of a candidate’s outstanding leadership and service. Each district should submit at least one nomination for a council-level recognition.
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Council-Level Recognitions Submission Process The nomination and recommendation process for council-level recognitions is as follows:
• Visit the Adult Recognition section of our website and expand the “Council-Level Recognitions” drop-down menu
• Download the fillable recommendation form specific to the award
• Choose individuals to complete the required number of additional recommendation forms for the award, and ensure they also have a copy of the award-specific recommendation form
• Complete the recommendation form as the nominator
• Come back to the Adult Recognition section of our website, expand the “Council-Level Recognitions” drop-down menu, and select the “Begin Nomination” link to begin the nomination process. To make this step easy, have the following information on hand: ¤ Candidate’s contact information, including email address, street address, and phone number ¤ Candidate’s current role(s) and any previous role(s) within Girl Scouts (if applicable) ¤ Candidate’s district and neighborhood (if applicable) ¤ Names of individuals submitting additional recommendations for the candidate • Upload completed recommendation forms (nominator’s recommendation and any additional recommendations) when prompted to do so in the online nomination form; if additional completed recommendation forms are not available to upload at the time of nomination (excluding the required recommendation form from the nominator), they may also be submitted by email to Adult Education (
• Once submitted, you will receive an email confirming your nomination
• Note that any progress in the online nomination form will not be saved if the form is closed before submission. Please have all necessary information and recommendation forms ready to submit the nomination all at once.
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