Fall 2022 Inspire Discovery

New Patch Programs Check out our new Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri patch programs for the fall and winter! Register for these patch programs through gsEvents and check our more details in our program listing beginning on pg. 46.

fall 2022 | discover

Women’s History Month Patch Program During the month of March

Lifetime Girl Scout and was a girl member and Girl Scout Gold Award Girl Scout in our council. Currently, she is a leader of Cadette Troop 852. This past year the members of her troop completed their Bronze Award project developing outdoor resources troops can check out from the Camp Supervisor when troop camping. Click here to learn more. Patches will be on sale in the GS Shop this fall. Maryville’s Health Care Patch Program Cadettes will have the chance to join professionals at Maryville University to explore their five unique disciplines, including Nursing, Music Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech and Language Pathologist. The program will be delivered virtually, January through February and provide a box of supplies mailed to each Girl Scout’s home. GM STEM Careers Patch In November, Daisies, Seniors and Ambassadors can join us for two unique programs hosted at St. Charles Community College where they will explore STEM Careers. Actual Size 3" G I R L S C O U T S O F E A S T E R N M I S S O U R I H E A L T H C A R E E D U C A T I O N MARYVILLE UNIVERSITY WALKER COLLEGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS Disability Awareness Patch Program with Centene Girl Scouts will learn how to be a sister to every Girl Scout in this important program which offers in person options and program boxes mailed to troops. Sign up for in-person programs or to receive an at-home kit through gsEvents.

Girl Scouts will honor significant historical women, learn about important milestones and find inspiration in the many ways women influence the world!

Edward Jones Cookie College In December, Girl Scouts can join us to get ready for cookie season through a virtual event, an in person event or both!

AT&T STEM Careers Patch In January, Brownies and Juniors can learn about STEM careers in a modern media company that provides customers connectivity, technology, entertainment and more all around the world!

Outdoor Skills Patch A new Outdoor Skills Patch Program is available for all age levels. This program, developed by GSEM volunteer Nancy Pope is designed to

Level Three

Level Two

Level Four

Level One

Level Five

Outdoor Skills

give members opportunities to learn and grow their outdoor skills and knowledge and engage family members in outdoor activities. There are activities for each age level where participants will earn a patch and age level flame and there are links to badges that give members ideas on how to continue their outdoor journey. We want to thank Nancy for sharing this creative patch program with the council. Nancy is a

Disability Awareness Girl Scout Junior

Disability Awareness Girl Scout Daisy

Disability Awareness Girl Scout Brownie

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