Fall 2022 Inspire Discovery

Community Service Opportunities

Girls who engage in community service develop a strong sense of responsibility for others. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri provides girls with opportunities to serve, to connect with their communities and to reflect on their experience to better understand themselves, area needs and their role in making the world a better place.

Community Service Partners We are currently working on updating and expanding our previous Seasons of Giving program that provides community service opportunities to our members. The new name for this program will be Service Partners and will provide our members with a list of local organizations with service projects open to our Girl Scouts. A list of current Community Service Partners as well as information on how to add an organization to the list can be found at girlscoutsem.org/communityservicepartners.

April Showers April Showers, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s largest community service program is important to the Girl Scout program and the community at large. Girl Scouts, their troop leaders, families and friends help people in need by collecting personal care items that are distributed to agencies throughout our jurisdiction. All troops are expected to participate in the April Showers program through door-to-door distribution, donation collection or Showering the Community. Mark your calendar for April Showers 2023 April 21-23: Door-to-Door Distribution April 22: Showering the Community April 29: Donation Collection “I think it important to participate in April Showers because it’s a way to give to people who are having a hard time getting what they need. Everyone deserves the basic things in life to care for themselves, and we as Girl Scouts have the power to bring that to people.” Dana, Girl Scout Ambassador

14 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022

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