Fall 2022 Inspire Discovery

Funding Your Troop’s Activities This Year

You can do big things when you participate with your troop in the Treats & Reads and Girl Scout Cookie Programs.

Want to earn fun rewards? Want to earn money for your troop adventures and supplies? Want to build confidence and learn new skills?

Want to provide a service to the community with product donation? Council money-earning programs offer all these things and more!

Treats & Reads 2022 During September through November, Girl Scouts can market nut/candy/magazine products to friends and family. It’s super easy to get started. Look for your online set-up email and order card materials from your troop leader later this summer.

The 2022 Treats & Reads Mascot is the Hawaiian Monk Seal! It is an endangered species due to the devastation of their habitat. This includes devastation from litter found in the ocean and alongside the beaches where they live. How can you help this seal species, and other species, have healthier habitats? Make a list of different ways you can do your part to reduce, reuse and recycle around your house on a daily basis. Remember—every little bit counts!

16 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022

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