Fall 2021 Treats and Reads Troop Manager Guide
Program Overview Progra Overvie
2021 Girl Scouts Treats & Reads Program
Troop Treats & Reads Manager
2021 Training Guide
Treats and Reads Guide 1
Dear Valued Volunteer,
Your next Girl Scout adventure starts now! Your volunteer support allows Girl Scouts to tackle tough challenges
and “Rise Up” to new heights—and the Treats & Reads program can help your troop get there. Thank you for volunteering for the important role of Troop Treats & Reads Manager. This program is more than just a candy, nut and magazine sale; it’s a chance to nurture girl ambition, by helping Girl Scouts build essential skills and earn proceeds on each item to start your troop year strong. Inside this guide, you’ll find an overview of the program and the season’s key dates. The core of this program is your Girl Scouts’ ambition, their next service project, invention or camping trip. Your support helps power new experiences to prepare her for a year of Girl Scout adventures and a lifetime of leadership. Plus, your troop’s participation supports programs available to all Girl Scouts in eastern Missouri. Thank you again for nurturing girl ambition. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager or your Product Programs Team for assistance.
Yours in Girl Scouting, Michelle Johnson Director of Product Programs
Starting is Easy! 1. Sign up to be your troop’s Treats & Reads Manager in MyGS. 2. Set up your M2 account. 3. Complete online Troop Treats & Reads Manager Orientation in gsLearn. 4. Tell girls and families about the program and guidelines for participation.
2 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Progra Overvie
Inside This Guide
Table of Contents ProgramOverview.............................................................................................4 Your Role..................................................................................................................5 What’s New?...........................................................................................................6 2021 Products..........................................................................................................7 Participation Options.............................................................................................8 Program Information........................................................................................9 Project Thank You................................................................................................10 Money Management.............................................................................................12 Rewards.................................................................................................................14 M2...........................................................................................................................16 Treats & Reads Booths.........................................................................................17 Contests.................................................................................................................18 ProgramTimeline............................................................................................19 BeforeProgramBegins.........................................................................................20 During Program....................................................................................................23 After Program Ends.............................................................................................29 Appendix.........................................................................................................33 Meeting Agenda for Parent/Caregiver Meeting.................................................34 Terms to Know......................................................................................................36 Online Marketing Guidance.................................................................................37 FAQs.......................................................................................................................38 Ordering Extra Product........................................................................................40 Booth Letter...........................................................................................................41 Reward Opt-Out Form.........................................................................................43 M2 Activity Guide.................................................................................................45 SocialMediaToolkit..............................................................................................46
Treats and Reads Guide 3
This section of the guide provides basic introductory information on the Treats & Reads program and your role as the Troop Treats & Reads Manager.
In this Section: Your Role...................................5 What’s New in 2021?................6
2021 Products..........................7 Participation Options..............8
4 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Progra Overvie
Your Role
Your role as the Troop Treats & Reads Manager includes:
• Complete required Council Troop Treats & Reads Manager training(s) each year while in this position • Pick up Treats & Reads troop materials as requested by your Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager • Adhere to the established guidelines and deadlines regarding submission of orders, paperwork, product delivery, rewards and payment as established in the current program year
• Maintain responsibility for all products and payments during the Treats & Reads program, completing receipts for every product and financial transaction • Collect money for product ordered from girls/ families and make regular deposits in troop bank account • Complete a Troop Late Payment Report by deadline for all adults that have an unpaid balance; responsible for any unpaid balance for those adults if a report is not submitted • Provide support to girls and families, responding to communication in a timely manner
• Promote the Treats & Reads program with troop leaders, girls and parents/caretakers
• Become familiar with and use Treats & Reads Program technology and promote technology to girls/families
• Distribute Treats & Reads rewards to girls in a timely manner
• Launch Parent/Guardian email blast in M2 system to troop families at start of season
Treats and Reads Guide 5
What ' s New in 2021?
Program Updates
Online Updates
Four new products (see Products page)
One storefront to share for nuts and magazines • Single link brings customers to the girl’s storefront where they can choose to order nuts and/or magazines New Share My Site options for girls • Girls can share direct to Facebook, Twitter or text through the M2 platform Printable door hanger with personalized QR code • Print and go resources with unique QR code that directs customers to girl’s personal storefront
Troops will pick up product from Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager
Treats & Reads Rally, Sept. 18 • Information and registration at girlscoutsem.org
Troop submission deadlines are at 8 pm to ensure access to Council support up to the deadline time Any updates to Council’s COVID-19 guidelines that would affect Treats & Reads will be shared via email and on the COVID-19 Guidelines flipbook on our website.
New Personalized Patch Design Personalized avatar patches for girls and volunteers are available exclusively through Treats & Reads! Girl requirements are on pg. 14 • Troop Treats and Reads Manager earns the fall patch when the troop sells $1,700 in fall product and sends the Parent and Guardian Email Blast through M2 • Troop Leader earns the cookie crossover patch when when the troop sells $1,000 in fall and achieves a 145+ PGA in cookies
6 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Progra Overvie
Chocolate Covered Almonds $8 Deluxe Pecan Clusters, Bunny Holiday Tin $10 Dark Chocolate Caramel Caps with Sea Salt $8 Dark Chocolate Mint Penguins $8 Deluxe Pecan Clusters, boxed $8 Dulce de Leche Owls $8 English Butter Toffee $8 Fruit Slices $6 Honey Roasted Peanuts $6 Hot Cajun Crunch $6 Mint Treasures, GS Vintage Uniform Tin $10 Peanut Butter Bears $8 Peanut Butter Trail Mix $7 NEW! Sweet and Salty Mix $6 Whole Cashews with Sea Salt $9 Project Thank You Donation $5 2021 Products on the Order Card (Also available online)
Bunny Tin
2021 Online Exclusives
Almond Butter Cups
Almond Cran-Orange Crunch
Barbeque Snack Mix
Black Forest Trail Mix
Butter Toasted Peanuts $6 NEW! Caramel Apples (boxed chocolates) $8 Caramel Treasures, Bunny Holiday Tin $10 Chocolate CoveredPretzels, BunnyHolidayTin $10 Chocolate Covered Raisins $8 Coconut Cashews $8 Cookies & Cream Cups $7 Cranberry Nut Mix $6 Dark Chocolate Peppermint Pretzels $8 Dill Pickle Peanuts $6 Gourmet Blend Tin $20 Gourmet Caramel Corn with Almonds and Pecans Tin $15 Honey Roasted Mixed Nuts $10 Jumbo Cashews $20
Girl Scout Vintage Uniform Tin *
* The 2021 Girl Scout Uniform Tin will not be available for direct shipping through the online store to ensure timely order fulfillment of girl-delivered orders. Should the tins become available online, we will update this guide
Sweet and Salty Mix
Mint Treasures in 2018, 2019, 2020 Girl Scout Tins* (while supplies last)
Mocha Cups
NEW! Nut and Seed Blend
NEW! Ruby Medley
Salsa Mix
New/Renewed Magazine Subscriptions
Complete nutritional information
Treats and Reads Guide 7
Participation options
Sale Type Money Collection
Delivery to Customers Troop Proceeds
Girls take customer’s orders using paper order card
In-Person/ Order Card Sales
Family/troop enters orders from order car into M2 by the appropriate deadline (troops will need to inform their families if they expect the family to enter orders into the system)
Delivered by girls to customers 15% of every item sold
Girls collect money from customers at time of product delivery
Girl turns in money to the troop
Girls create their personalized storefront in M2 and send emails to friends and family
Shipped directly to the customer (1-2 week standard delivery time frame after order processing; customer will have option for expedited shipping at additional cost)
Online Direct Ship
15% of every item sold
Customers pay online, including shipping cost
Orders are automatically credited to the girl in M2 Girls create their personalized storefront in M2 and send emails to friends and family
Delivered by girls to customers (if a girl receives an online girl- delivery order, where she will not be able to deliver the items in person, family will need to contact M2 Customer Care as soon as possible to cancel the order)
Online Girl- Delivered
15% of every item sold
Customers pay online, no shipping cost
Orders are automatically credited to the girl in M2 and are included in the troop’s product order in October
New and Renewed Magazines/eBooks Sale Type Money Collection
Delivery to Customers Troop Proceeds
Girls create their own personalized storefront in M2 and send emails to friends and family
Shipped directly to the customer (6-8 week standard delivery time frame for processing)
15% of every item sold
Customers pay online
Orders are automatically credited to the girl in M2
Juliettes: Juliettes are welcome to participate in the Treats & Reads program by linking with a participating troop.
8 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Progra Information
This section of the manual is your go to reference for all aspects of the Treats & Reads Program. Here you’ll find detailed information on program elements such as proceeds, rewards and money management.
In this Section:
Project Thank You...............................10 Troop Proceeds....................................11 Money Management............................12 Rewards................................................14
M2...............................................16 Treats & Reads Booths.............17 Contests.....................................18
Treats and Reads Guide 9
Project Thank You The Project Thank You program is a Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri service project that lets our community donate treats to the USO of Missouri and Operation Food Search. The program provides Girl Scouts the opportunity to learn about philanthropy and the importance of giving back. For each $5 donation, we will gift a treat to these organizations! Project Thank You requires no contact or delivery. We handle all of that for you. To help promote Project Thank You to your customers, a flier and receipt is available. Customers can donate $5 Project Thank You nuts/candy in two ways: • Using the Project Thank You column on the paper order card • Adding Project Thank You to online orders through M2 Girl Scout troops never physically receive Project Thank You items with their product order. The Project Thank You items will be ordered and donated on your troop’s behalf by the Girl Scout Council. Troops that select a charitable organization other than Project Thank You organizations need to order and track these donations separately as Gift of Caring. Only Project Thank You packages are eligible for Project Thank You rewards. One of our Project Thank You partners is USO of Missouri. Nut and candy treats donated to the USO will go to military personnel. The top 10 Project Thank You Sellers will earn the opportunity to hand out donated treats at the USO Holiday Block Leave event in December. This event is subject to change.
10 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Progra Information
Troop Proceeds Troops earn 15% of each item sold by their girls! If Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops choose to opt-out of rewards, the troop proceeds increase to 20%. Opt-Out Troops Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops can choose to opt-out of receiving rewards and receive 20% troop proceeds instead. Girls are
still eligible to earn patches and Top 10 Project Thank You reward experience. Opting-out is a majority- rule decision of all troop girls selling and they need to sign the opt-out form which the troop maintains for its records. Once the troop has voted and signed, please complete the council notification form at girlscoutsem.org/optoutform. Troop Treats & Reads Manager must change reward opt out setting on M2 dashboard by GO Day.
Treats and Reads Guide 11
Money Management Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri uses ACH as the method of money collection and reimbursement for the Treats & Reads and Cookie Programs. The ACH system utilizes account and routing numbers when funds are withdrawn or reimbursed. Troops make all deposits to their own bank account.
Returning troops: Troop bank account information will be rolled over into M2 from the 2021 Cookie Program. Troops must review and make any needed changes by Oct. 19 to authorize ACH transfers for the 2021 Program.
New troops: Work with your troop leader to accurately enter the troop’s bank account information by Oct. 19. The entry of this information is required and provides your troop’s agreement to conduct ACH transfers for the 2021 Treats & Reads Program.
Treats & Reads Money Management Best Practices
• Establish and communicate troop deadlines for order card and money collection; deadlines should be no later than council deadlines • Collect money for order card payments and deposit money in the troop bank account frequently • Always count product and money in person with the girl’s family; avoid leaving product or money on a porch • Always use the paper receipts from your materials packet when distributing product to a girl/family or another troop and make sure they sign it and both parties keep a copy • Always use the paper receipts from your materials packet for any check/cash payment from a girl or another troop for product. Make sure the other party signs it and both keep a copy
• If unable to use paper receipt, use electronic or another paper method to confirm receipt of items
12 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Progra Information
ACH Withdrawal/Late Payments A single ACH withdrawal for 100% of the money due to council for product purchased will be drawn on Dec. 8. The ACH withdrawal amount is equal to the troop’s total sales, minus the troop’s earned proceeds. For instance, if a troop sells $1,000 in product, the withdrawal will be $850, and the troop retains the $150 (15%) in proceeds in their account. The Treats & Reads Manager and Troop Leader will receive an email one week before, confirming the amount due. If the troop has submitted a Troop Late Payment Report due to non-payment by a girl, that amount will be deducted from the amount due to Council. If a troop’s online sales exceed the amount due to council, an ACH deposit for the proceeds owed will be transferred to the troop by Dec 10. Payment Collection Options For customer payment collection, girls can accept cash, check made out to GSEM Troop XXXX or credit card via Clover Go. If the troop receives a returned check, we ask that you make an attempt to collect the funds from the check writer and document that attempt. If your attempt is not successful, please fill out a Collection Request Form as completely as possible, include the “legal copy” of the check, as well as a copy of your bank statement showing the bounced check fee and mail or deliver to Council, Attn: Finance Department. We will then take over the collection process. Once the documents are received, Council will either decrease the ACH draw for the troop or utilize ACH to reimburse the troop as appropriate. Stolen Funds If money, checks or product have been stolen, the troop should complete a Troop Late Payment Report for the responsible party. The responsible party should file a police report and contact their insurance company. It is the responsibility of the individual involved to obtain a written copy of the police report and insurance company report. These reports should be sent via registered mail directly to Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, Attn: Finance Department, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis, MO 63146. The Finance department will contact the individual responsible to make arrangements for payment of the amount due.
Treats and Reads Guide 13
Rewards Girls earn individual rewards based on total sales. Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops that opt out of individual rewards still qualify for earned patches, Top 10 Project Thank You Seller reward and VIP Booth access. Girls, Troop Treats & Reads Managers (fall only) and Troop Leaders (crossover only) have the opportunity to earn Personalized Avatar Patches. Individual girl orders cannot be combined to achieve higher level rewards. Troop Treats & Reads Managers are on their honor to demonstrate good business ethics and not combine girl orders. To receive high-level rewards, girls’ families must be in compliance with payment deadline. Rewards are shipped to Neighborhood Treats & Reads Managers the week of Jan. 3, and troops will pick up from them. Girls who earn higher-level rewards, such as experiences or symbolic animal adoptions, will be contacted directly by Product Programs staff. VIP Booth Reservation Access Reward It pays to participate in Treats & Reads! In anticipation of our sought-after cookie booth partners coming back in 2022, your troop can earn VIP access to reserve a booth with any of our uploaded booth partners. To be a VIP troop: 1. Troop Treats & Reads Manager registers as a member by 10/1/21 2. Troop has 80% of girls register as members by 10/1/21 and 80% of girls in troop participate in 2021 Treats & Reads 3. All girls selling in troop submit order card sales orders and 80% of selling girls send 18+ emails through M2 4. Troop achieves a per girl average of 40+ items during the 2021 Treats & Reads Program (based only on girls selling in troop; not based on total girls registered in the troop) 5. Troop must be in good financial standing at the end of the Treats & Reads program (as of Dec. 17) Leaders and Troop Cookie Managers with qualifying troops will be granted eBudde booth reservation access 1-2 days before the all-troop access date and may reserve one booth slot at that time. They will then be able to sign up for additional slots according to the all-troop booth reservation schedule. Booth slots will be available for viewing in advance of access. Information will be sent via email in early January. *Troops based in areas without premium booth access will be offered an alternate reward upon request if they are unable to participate in the VIP Reward due to geographic access. This is not applicable for troops opting not to participate in booths. Product Programs staff will determine eligibility for alternate reward.
18+ Emails Sent in M2 2021 Patch
10+ P Peng
10+ Items Rise Up Patch
55+ Total Items CharmBracelet andHeadband
75 Go
150+ Items Adult Penguin Plush OR Tie Dye Kit with Clipboard Set
earn Personalized AVATAR Patches!
14 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Progra Information
TTRMs should submit reward or sizing choices in M2 by Nov. 23.
Project Thank You guin Iceberg Patch & Penguin Pen
15+ Items Penguin Enamel Pin
25+ Items Penguin Necklace
40+ Total Items Penguin Chick Plush OR Friendship Bracelet Kit
100+ Total Items 100+ Patch, Rise Up T-shirt and Surprise Penguin Pal Experience
5+ Total Items oal Getter Patch and CustomGSMittens
200+ Items Sleeping Bag OR Ice Skating Experience for 2with St. Louis FrenzyWomen’s Hockey Team
250+ Items Symbolic Penguin Adoption OR St. Louis Blues hockey night with Product Programs
Top 10 Project Thank You Sellers USOHoliday Block Leave Experience or Operation Food Search Service Experience
Girl Fall Personalized Patch Create your avatar, send 18+ emails in M2 and sell $375+ Treats & Reads items Cookie Crossover Patch Create your avatar in the Treats & Reads program, send 18+ emails in M2 in the Treats & Reads program and sell 145+ packages of cookies during the 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program
Treats and Reads Guide 15
m2 Treats and Reads is run through our vendor’s online management program, M2. Troop Treats & Reads Managers and girls can login at gsnutsandmags.com/gsem . Girls create their personalized storefront and promote their sale, and can enter paper order card products for the troop. Volunteers use their dashboard to finalize troop order, see reports and print delivery tickets. Girls who join your troop after Sept. 24 can go directly to the login site and connect to your troop. You will receive an M2 login invitation on or before Sept. 16. It’s recommended you establish your access at that time, and set up your Parent/Guardian E-Mail Blast. The blast will go out on Sept. 25, giving your troop girls their link to set up M2. If you did not receive an email, you can go directly to gsnutsandmags.com/gsem to get set up. If you are still unable to gain access, please contact the Answer Center, 314.400.4600. Beginning Sept. 25, girls log in to M2 to design their online store and create a Girl Scout Avatar in their likeness which can speak in the girl’s voice online. They can then email or share shopping invitations to family and friends. The online store offers nut, candy, tin and gift items from Ashdon Farms, as well as new and renewed/ extended subscriptions to magazines, newspapers and eBooks from M2 Media Group. Customers can choose: Girl Delivery Option: During order taking Sept. 25-Oct. 21, customers can choose to have their items delivered by the girl when making a purchase. The nut and candy products available for girl delivery are those listed on the paper order card. Customers pay online with a credit card for their girl delivery orders. Products will come at the same time as those ordered on the paper order card. Online Sales: Anytime during the program, Sept. 25-Nov. 21, customers can pay with a credit card for products to be shipped and/or donated, as well purchase new or renewed/extended magazine subscriptions. There is an extended list of candy/nut products exclusive to online ordering.
More details about the fun online program can be found on the M2 Media Group flier.
Be sure to create your avatar for the personalized patch you can earn!
16 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Progra Information
Treats and Reads Booths A Treats & Reads booth is when a troop has physical product and sets up a table/stand to sell the product direct to customers. In some cases, troops have hosted Project Thank You donation-only booths (all donations go to purchase product for donation to Project Thank You partners). Any booth should be held between Nov. 8 and Dec. 7 to ensure product is in-hand and payments can be deposited into the troop account in time for the ACH withdrawal. Booths may be held at locations secured by the troop, with exceptions. Due to partnership agreements with council cookie booth partners, the following businesses/companies may not be contacted for Treats & Reads booths: Dierbergs, Schnucks, Wal-Mart, Dunkin, JoAnn, Walgreens, Magic House, Lowes and GNC.
Please report any booths your troop is hosting at bit.ly/TR21BoothReport so we can support you in any way we can! Please submit one form for each scheduled Treats & Reads booth.
Troops may also wish to host a Virtual Treats & Reads Booth. Virtual booths are hosted on social media to give girls an innovative and creative way to reach their goals.
Please note there are no product cupboards during the Treats & Reads program. All booth products must be ordered in advance during the troop’s order submission in October.
Media Inquiries During the Girl Scout Treats & Reads Program, troops are occasionally approached by reporters from television, radio, newspapers and online media for interviews and photo opportunities. Be sure you understand what they are interested in covering before agreeing. If you plan to work with local media, please focus on your neighborhood’s local paper and radio stations to avoid overlap with Council efforts. If you would like to be more involved with the Council’s Product Programmedia efforts, please contact us at kdaleen@girlscoutsem.org . If you are approached by the media in a crisis or uncertain situation (such as being solicited for your Girl Scout opinion on potentially controversial topics), please DO NOT make any statements to the media. Instead, contact the Council communications team immediately at kdaleen@girlscoutsem.org . Points to Remember: You can review our statements regarding sensitive issues on our website, girlscoutsem.org . You are never obligated to speak with members of the media. Do not issue any statements to the media regarding any controversial topics, issues, accidents or emergencies on behalf of Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Taking Care of Your Product Chocolates must be stored under 72 degrees at all times. Chocolate will “bloom” and turn white if it is exposed to heat above 72 degrees or exposed to different temperatures quickly (moved from a warm car to a freezer).
Treats and Reads Guide 17
2021 Treats & Reads Contests Contests may be offered throughout the program to enhance the girl’s experience and help guide them through key program elements. Watch our social media and check your weekly emails through M2 to participate. Celebrate our Mascot: The Girl Scout who sells the most Dark Chocolate Penguins will win a penguin winter snow tube for their next icy adventure. Share Saturday: Girl Scouts who share their M2 site through the M2 Share My Site feature on Facebook or through text at least five times during the program will be eligible to win a surprise charm. Girl Scouts who make additional shares on Share Saturday, Oct. 9, will be entered to win our giant penguin plush.
18 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Progra Information
This section provides a full reference to the tasks on your Timeline in the Quick Start Guide.
In this Section:
Before Program Begins.......................20 During Program...................................23
After Program Ends.................23
Treats and Reads Guide 19
program timeline
Before Program Begins
Prior to Sept. 16 Pick up Troop Treats & Reads Materials from Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager and Complete Troop Treats & Reads Manager Orientation Treats & Reads orientation for troop volunteers will be available as an online module in gsLearn. This module will provide you with the basics of the program and what your role is during the program. For more detailed instructions on various tasks, please join us live on Zoom for Nuts and Bolts sessions during the season. Dates, times and links are in the Timeline. If you need assistance accessing gsLearn, please contact the Answer Center at 314.400.4600 or answercenter@girlscoutsem.org . Look for information from your Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager about how to get your troop’s program materials. They may also post the information on your Neighborhood’s communication forums, such as Facebook. Please contact the Answer Center for assistance locating your Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager.
Sept. 16 M2 Access Available—Log In and Set Up Parent and Guardian Email
A unique login will be emailed to you titled “Username and password for the Girl Scout magazine and nut program.”
The email contains a link to gsnutsandmags.com/gsem where you will create your own password, watch the quick troop video, create a Girl Scout Avatar and complete your setup information.
Click the Parent and Guardian Email button on your troop dashboard and create an email to parents/ caretakers. This email will go out on Sept. 25 inviting girls to set up their store. This step is crucial to ensuring your girls are able to participate in online marketing of their product. Parent/caretaker emails begin sending at 9 am Sept. 25, arriving throughout the morning.
Remember—Sending the parent and guardian email blast is a required step for Troop Treats & Reads Managers to earn the personalized fall patch.
20 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Program Timeline
Prior to sEPT. 25 Verify Girl Membership and Permission
Work with your leader to verify that the girls participating in Treats & Reads have a 2021-2022 Girl Scout membership, as well as signed Product Programs Permission for 2021-2022 on their Girl Health History and Permissions form.
Girls who join your troop after Sept. 25 are always welcome to participate in Treats & Reads too!
Treats and Reads Guide 21
program timeline
Prior to Sept. 25 Onboard Troop to Clover GO
Troops in Eastern Missouri have the option to accept product payments from customers with credit cards via Clover GO. We encourage all eastern Missouri troops and Girl Scouts to experience the benefits of using Clover GO for credit and debit payments for order card, workplace and booth sales. Please note, this is a program troops can use, but can also be used by Girl Scout families to take payment at time of product delivery.
• Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri will pay the transaction processing fees
• Clover sales transactions will link to the troop’s bank account and must be recorded in M2 by the volunteer as a girl payment
• Purchase of a Clover device is not required; the Clover GO app can process payments using an OCR scanner or by entering a card number manually
Outside of online purchases, Clover Go is the only approved credit or debit card payment method for troops for Treats & Reads this season.
Troops new to using Clover GO are required to complete the online training to onboard to the system. Training and detailed information are available in gsLearn.
Troops that used Clover GO for 2021 Cookies: If your bank account has changed, you will need to update the account information with Clover directly, or set up a new Clover account. It is recommended you onboard your troop to Clover GO and invite families by Sept. 25 to be ready for girls to use the program. Onboarding can be done at any point, however it may take a week to complete the entire process.
pRIOR TO sEPT. 25 Host Troop Treats & Reads Parent/Caregiver Meeting
After completing your orientation and receiving the troop Treats & Reads programmaterials, you should schedule a time to go over the program and expectations with girls and parents/caretakers before the program starts on Sept. 25.
Before the meeting:
• Fill in order cards, M2 flyers and money envelopes with the troop number, due dates and any other information needed
• Only distribute order cards and information to girls whose parents/caretakers have signed the product programs permission form
• Review email sent Aug. 25 to verify parents/caretakers are in good financial standing. Girls with parents/ caretakers with a no funds handling restriction may only participate if an adult non-family member living at a different address agrees to be responsible for the order card, product and money. The girl may still participate in product booths. Please contact your Neighborhood Fall Product Manager if you have any questions
Program Overview Program Timeline
During Program sEPT. 25 Girls Set Up M2 Storefront
Girls use the instructions on the M2 flier, or in the M2 email, to access the online site and set up their online store. They create a Girl Scout Avatar, record a message and/or upload a video then send emails to friends and family inviting them to shop from an expanded selection of nuts, candy, tins and new or renewed magazine subscriptions. They can earn special patches just for sending 18+ emails through the system.
sEPT. 25 GO Day, Order Taking Begins
Girls can take orders for the Treats & Reads Program.
Attention Opt-Out Troops: • Conduct a vote to opt out of the girls in your troop. A majority vote must be made for a troop to opt out and the girls in the troop need to sign the form for your records, see appendix
• Submit the council notification at girlscoutsem.org/optoutform
• Change reward opt-out setting in M2 on the troop dashboard. Remember, this is only available to Cadette, Senior and Ambassador-level troops
Treats and Reads Guide 23
program timeline
Oct. 17 Parents/Caretakers Enter Orders From Paper Order Card Online Orders are entered from the paper order cards by the girl’s parent/caretaker. They will click on Manage Paper Orders on their girl’s online dashboard. A tip sheet for parents/caretakers is available on the Treats & Reads web page. The deadline for parents/caretakers to enter their Girl Scout’s paper orders in M2 is Oct. 17 at 11 pm CST. If parents/caretakers cannot enter the paper orders, they need to be given to the troop by Oct. 17 and you will have to manually enter the order.
Note: Parents/caretakers only enter the paper order card items. All online orders calculate automatically and are added to your troop’s order.
24 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Program Timeline
Oct. 18-19 Enter Paper Orders Not Entered By Parents/Caregivers Troop Treats & Reads Managers can see when girls’ paper orders have been entered by the parent/ caregiver on their M2 dashboard, to avoid entering duplicate orders. To prevent duplicate accounts, troops cannot add newly registered girls until Oct. 18. Prior to Oct. 18, the Answer Center can help add girls or the parent/caregiver can add her at gsnutsandmags.com/gsem . Troop Treats & Reads Managers must enter ALL orders by 8 pm CST on Oct. 19. At that time, troops will be locked out of the site and will not be able to make changes or additions. Please contact your Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager if you need assistance with your order.
Entering Paper Order Card Orders by Volunteer: 1. Collect the girl order cards; make sure all columns total correctly, across and down 2. Log in to M2 3. Click on the Paper Order Entry icon on the troop dashboard 4. Click the girl’s name 5. If a girl’s name does not appear, click the Add Girl Scout button on the bottom right corner of the screen, enter her information and click Save 6. Enter the quantity of each product ordered and click Save 7. Keep the order cards as you will give back to girls at delivery Ordering Additional Products in M2: If your troop needs extra product for booths or you anticipate late girl-delivery orders, you can order additional products at the same time as your girl orders: 1. Click Manage Troops and Girl Scouts on your dashboard 2. Click the + sign to the left of the troop number 3. Select Manage Extra Products 4. Enter the desired number of products in units 5. Click Save
Additional products will arrive with the troop’s order that you pick up in November. Items need to be transferred in M2 to the girls who sold them by Nov. 22 so the girl receives credit.
Treats and Reads Guide 25
program timeline
By Oct. 19 Verify or Enter Troop Bank Account Information
1. Click on Banking and Payments on the troop dashboard 2. Click on the + sign next to your troop number 3. Select Edit/Update ACH 4. Enter or verify troop bank account information, making changes as needed to update (see screenshot) 5. Click the Save ACH button
The routing and account numbers can be found on your troop checks:
26 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Program Timeline
nOV. 9-14 Pick Up Troop Order and Distribute to Girls
Troop orders will deliver to the Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager. Be on the lookout for communications regarding date and time of pick up. Upon arrival, make sure to carefully count your product before signing the receipt and leaving. Replacement of damaged products: Contact the answercenter@girlscoutsem.org with the subject line “Product Damage” immediately if you receive damaged product and arrange for the replacement of the same product.
After product pick up, distribute products to parents and caretakers as quickly as possible to ensure adequate time for girls to deliver and collect payment:
1. Prior to picking up your troop’s order, determine how you want to get girls’ orders to them. You could also set up a product pickup schedule that allows time between pickups for counting and verifying quantities. Sites like Sign Up Genius, Doodle Polls and Google Forms are helpful, and links can be emailed to your troop families.
2. Contact your troop families in advance of your scheduled reward pickup so they can plan for your pickup system.
3. Count and separate the product by girl in advance.
4. Distribute product to your girls/families, along with their original order card, money collection envelope and your troop’s instructions for turning in money to you frequently. Ask each girl’s adult to count and verify the product they are picking up, sign the receipt and keep one copy of the receipt. They can leave the other receipt copy with you. Tip: Girl delivery tickets are a quick and easy way to prepare product for pick up 1. Click Delivery Tickets on your M2 dashboard 2. Under Girl Scout Tickets select your troop and all girls 3. Click Create Ticket 4. Print two copies of each ticket to use as a packing slip and receipt Remember to always use money/product receipts for each transaction because they provide a record of product picked up and money turned in. If there is an issue, these receipts are used to verify the transactions. Receipts should be kept for six months.
Treats and Reads Guide 27
program timeline
Nov. 9-27 Girl Delivery and Money Management
Girls deliver products to customers and collect payment for order card orders. All checks should be made payable to “GSEM Troop xxxx (troop #)” with the customer’s driver’s license and phone numbers on the face of the check.
To avoid parent/caretaker last-minute visits to drop off money, you may want to set an earlier troop deadline for money collection.
Collecting money from parents/caretakers: • Receive the girl money envelope directly from parents/caretakers; do not have girls bring money to school or have parents drop off money if you are not home
• Count cash and checks in the presence of the parent/caretaker and complete a money/product receipt, both sign, give one copy to parent/caregiver and keep one copy for your records
• Deposit in the troop bank account at least weekly to avoid holding large amounts of cash and checks
• Girls can accept credit cards during delivery using Clover Go if your troop has already set it up. To avoid cash handling. Once set up, girls/families can accept card payments that go directly to troop account
Nov. 21 Last Day of Treats & Reads Program
The last day of our 2021 Treats & Reads Program is Nov. 21. All online sales will close Nov. 21 at 11 pm CST.
28 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Program Timeline
After Program Ends Nov. 22 Complete All Product Transfers in M2 and Verify Reward Choices
If your troop ordered extra products in October, you need to transfer these items in M2 to each girl who sold them in order for the girls to receive rewards credit.
Transfer products to girls in M2: 1. Choose Manage Troops and Girl Scouts from the troop dashboard. 2. On the troop tab, click the + next to your troop number and choose Move Products from the drop-down menu. 3. Under Type select Girl Scout 4. Enter troop number 5. Select the girl’s name in the drop-down box that you are moving the product to. 6. Enter the quantities you want to move by variety in the Qty to Move box. 7. Add comments as desired. 8. Click Move Products to complete the transfer.
If your troop or a girl in your troop sold in-person additional Project Thank You items for donation, please email answercenter@girlscoutsem.org with Additional Project Thank You Items subject and the quantity sold by girl to have them added to your troop’s order. Include your troop number, girl’s name, and the number of in-person donation items she sold. Once they are entered, they will appear in the girl’s totals in M2. Transfer Product Between Girls: 1. Choose Manage Troops and Girl Scouts from the troop dashboard. 2. Click on the Girl tab, click on the + next to the girl’s name product is moving from. 3. Select Move To then select the girl’s name in the drop-down box that you are moving the product to. 4. Enter the number of products you want to move by variety. 5. Add comments as desired. 6. Click Move Products to complete the transfer.
If you need to transfer product from your troop to another troop, please email answercenter@ girlscoutsem.org with subject line of Troop Product Transfer for assistance.
Treats and Reads Guide 29
program timeline
Nov. 22 Verify Reward Choices
Rewards are auto calculated based on level of sales for each girl. Please note that rewards update every 15 minutes so may not show immediately.
After product transfers are complete, please verify girls have finalized their reward choices and selected shirt sizes.
1. Click Rewards from troop dashboard 2. Any girl missing reward information will have an exclamation point next to her name 3. Click girl’s name and select desired reward
30 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Program Timeline
Nov. 28 Troop Late Payment Report
If a parent/caregiver does not pay by Nov. 27: 1. Contact the parent/caregiver and let them know money is past due. Explain that you are required to complete a Troop Late Payment Report if the money is not paid immediately.
2. Complete the online form listing how and when attempts were made to contact this person.
3. If you do not complete a late payment report for the late-paying parent/caregiver, then you assume financial responsibility for the money owed. To protect yourself, it is imperative that the Troop Treats & Reads Manager complete and submit a report for any parent that owes money at the end of the program, even if they promise to pay the next day. After Troop Late Payment Report is submitted to the Finance Department: 1. Finance will contact the parent/caretaker after receipt of the report and request payment. Agreed upon payment information will be noted.
2. Forms of communication used will include telephone, email and letter.
3. Nonpayment may impact the Girl Scout’s ability to participate in the Cookie Program or other future product programs.
4. Nonpayment may result in being sent to a Collections agency.
5. Any parent or volunteer with an outstanding or delinquent balance owed to Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri which has been sent to Collections will have a restriction of No Funds Handling placed on their account. A No Funds Handling restriction prevents the parent or volunteer from participat- ing in any role that is responsible for managing product or funds, including having access to bank accounts. Because unpaid balances can serve to reduce our resources to provide services to girls, we pursue all debts vigorously. Failure to successfully resolve debts in a timely manner can result in prosecution. 6. In the event the troop does not pay their balance owed to Council, it becomes the financial responsi- bility of the Troop Treats & Reads Manager and Council will complete a late payment report for that individual.
Week of Jan. 3 Girl Rewards
Rewards will ship to Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager the week of Jan. 3. Look for communication from them about when to pick up your troop’s rewards. Reward delivery tickets by girl are available through your troop dashboard.
Treats and Reads Guide 31
program timeline
Keep this timeline with you throughout the program for quick reference on upcoming tasks and deadlines. Follow the QR code on the back cover to jump to the online step-by-step guide.
*P/G= Parent/Caretaker/Girl T= Troop Treats & Reads Manager N= Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager
Who Task/Deadline Program Preparation T
Due Date
Nuts & Bolts Virtual Session- Getting Your Troop Ready for GO Day Note: All virtual session recordings are available 1-2 days later on the Treats & Reads webpage
Sept. 22, 11:30 am or 6:30 pm
11:30 am: https://zoom.us/j/98260515235 password: treats2021 6:30 pm: https://zoom.us/j/97922493327 password: treats2021
Pick up programmaterials from Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager
By Sept. 25
Complete online Troop Treats & Reads Manager Orientation in gsLearn
Sept. 3-25
Confirm all girls participating are registered members
By Sept. 25
Host Treats & Reads meeting for troop families; share materials
By Sept. 25
Set up your M2 account and your Parent/Guardian email blast
Between Sept. 16 and 24
During Program P/G
Girls set up M2 account and storefront Treats & Reads GO Day; girls can begin to take online and in-person orders Nuts & Bolts Virtual Session- Submitting Troop Order and What’s Next 11:30 am: https://zoom.us/j/91762838699 password: treats2021 6:30 pm: https://zoom.us/j/93426383877 password: treats2021
Sept. 25
Oct. 14, 11:30 am or 6:30 pm
Order card orders entered into M2 or given to Troop Treats & Reads Manager
Oct. 17
Enter order card orders not entered by P/G in M2; enter any extra product orders for troop (for late girl-delivery orders or booths)
Oct. 18-19
Verify troop bank account information in M2
Oct. 18-19
Online orders in M2 still accepted for direct ship, donation and magazines/eBooks
Oct. 22-Nov. 21
Nuts & Bolts Virtual Session: Product Delivery 11:30 am: https://zoom.us/j/99678027885 password: treats2021 6:30 pm: https://zoom.us/j/93576262297 password: treats2021
Nov. 4, 11:30 am or 6:30 pm
Troop product orders delivered
Nov. 8-10
Pick up your troop’s order from Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager and distribute to girls
Nov. 9-14
Nuts & Bolts Virtual Session: Closing Out Treats & Reads for Your Troop 11:30 am: https://zoom.us/j/95503992671 password: treats2021 6:30 pm: https://zoom.us/j/99502703676 password: treats2021
Nov. 17, 11:30 am or 6:30 pm
Treats & Reads program ends
Nov. 21
After Program T
Complete all extra product transfer to girls in M2 and verify girl reward choices
Nov. 22
Submit any Troop Late Payment Reports for product payment not yet received by P/G Nov. 28
ACH withdrawal emails sent
Nov. 29
ACH withdrawal
Dec. 8
32 Treats & Reads Guide
Program Overview Appendix
TREATS & READS Guide Appendix
In this section you will find additional helpful resources and a glossary of Treats & Reads terms.
In this Section: Meeting Agenda for Parent/Caretaker Meeting................................................34 Terms to Know...................................36 Online Marketing Guidance..............37 FAQs.....................................................38 Ordering Extra Product.....................40
Booth Letter........................................41 Reward Opt-Out Form.......................43 Social Media Toolkit...........................44 M2 Activity Guide..............................45 Project Thank You Flier andReceipt..........................................46
Treats and Reads Guide 33
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