Fall 2021 Treats and Reads Troop Manager Guide
Dear Valued Volunteer,
Your next Girl Scout adventure starts now! Your volunteer support allows Girl Scouts to tackle tough challenges
and “Rise Up” to new heights—and the Treats & Reads program can help your troop get there. Thank you for volunteering for the important role of Troop Treats & Reads Manager. This program is more than just a candy, nut and magazine sale; it’s a chance to nurture girl ambition, by helping Girl Scouts build essential skills and earn proceeds on each item to start your troop year strong. Inside this guide, you’ll find an overview of the program and the season’s key dates. The core of this program is your Girl Scouts’ ambition, their next service project, invention or camping trip. Your support helps power new experiences to prepare her for a year of Girl Scout adventures and a lifetime of leadership. Plus, your troop’s participation supports programs available to all Girl Scouts in eastern Missouri. Thank you again for nurturing girl ambition. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your Neighborhood Treats & Reads Manager or your Product Programs Team for assistance.
Yours in Girl Scouting, Michelle Johnson Director of Product Programs
Starting is Easy! 1. Sign up to be your troop’s Treats & Reads Manager in MyGS. 2. Set up your M2 account. 3. Complete online Troop Treats & Reads Manager Orientation in gsLearn. 4. Tell girls and families about the program and guidelines for participation.
2 Treats & Reads Guide
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