2022 Recruitment Playbook
YOUR SUPPORT Your Community
Schools are the place to be! Schools provide an effective point of contact for new families, and the school personnel recognize the benefits of having Girl Scouts in their school. Building relationships within schools is pertinent to offering the Girl Scout experience to every interested girl. Establish relationships with school administrators and staff, such as principals, assistant principals, receptionists, family liaisons and counselors. Also, collaborating with other school associations can help facilitate additional girl recruitment event opportunities. Each school should have a Troop Organizer to help connect families with Girl Scouts. Talk with your Neighborhood Recruitment Team, your CEM and other troop leaders at the school to find out what has been successful in years past. Using Looker, a website to view membership data, Troop Organizers can review a current list of troops for each school. Community Engagement Managers can also be an additional resource to access this information if help is needed. A quick review of those troops will let you know which grade levels have troops currently at the school and which grade levels you’ll need to recruit. Each fall, kindergarten Daisy troops should be formed at the school. There will also be girls in other grades that want to become Girl Scouts or additional troop volunteers needed for troop support. In school environments, there are many relationship-building opportunities available to increase visibility and interest in Girl Scouts. This may include visiting schools and introducing yourself as a Girl Scout point of contact. Principal Visit The school principal is an important contact when building a relationship with a school. They can help you get started quickly and provide the support necessary to ensure success. During the first contact with the school principal, ask who would be available to complete the School Communications Checklist and make an appointment with them. Class Talks/Lunch Talks/All-School Assemblies These are opportunities to meet with groups of girls during the school day to talk about Girl Scouts. These talks get girls excited about upcoming recruitment nights. Front Office Staff Front office staff are helpful in directing you to who you need to talk to or what forms need to be completed when scheduling your information events. Explore opportunities to be visible within the community! Showing up is key to keeping Girl Scouts’ presence relevant to the community, schools, and parents when promoting the Girl Scout Experience. Building Relationships with Schools
6 Troop Organizer Playbook
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