2022 Recruitment Playbook
Recruitment Year Strategy
Girl Scout Recruitment Year
Planning and Preparing, May-August
7 Steps to TO Success
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri will connect with every school- aged girl and offer her the opportunity to join the Girl Scout troop experience. The recruitment year begins with planning recruitment efforts for the following membership year. The Neighborhood Manager and CEM work together to recruit Troop Organizers for each school. Then all three positions work on recruiting new leaders and plan Recruitment Events for the new school year. The Recruitment Team attends community events throughout the summer and helps provide an early start in forming new troops. Starting Girl Scouts, August-October Recruitment activities are focused on a two-step process. First, reaching people at back-to-school registration, open houses and parent/caregiver nights. Second, inviting them to an Information Event to form new troops and fill existing troops. Large Information Events with activities for multiple grade levels provide the highest return during peak recruitment time. Within 24 hours of the information night, all sign-in sheets should be distributed with a copy going to the new troop leader and another to the TO. The TO will also send a copy to the CEM within 24 hours of the event and follow up with new leaders and interested girls to register. Spring Recruitment, January-May Spring recruitment activities include both current year growth as well as planning for the following membership year. The Neighborhood Recruitment Teams review current progress towards their new membership goal using Looker (turn to pg. 18 for more information on this resource). Additional recruitment events may be needed to reach that goal. Attending community events helps connect girls to troops and gives Community Engagement Managers a chance to talk about Resident and Day Camp and Council-led programs. The Neighborhood Recruitment team plans additional re-registration events to engage girls, leaders and parents for the following year’s Girl Scout experience. Re-registration efforts build excitement for the coming school year. Girls can reflect on their progression and experiences from the previous year and look forward to more adventures and learning new skills. Reporting Back, 24 hours post-information event
STEP #1 Meet with the Neighborhood Service Team and CEM to discuss recruitment strategy. STEP #2 Schedule recruitment date and prepare for recruitment event activities, including flier and facility approval as needed. STEP #3 Recruit volunteers to assist with the recruitment event. STEP #4 Distribute fliers as needed one week prior to recruitment event or have CEM send via Peachjar. Coordinate with schools for appropriate timelines. STEP #5 Promote the event. Conduct lunch talks, classroom chats and sticker one or two days prior to the recruitment event. STEP #6 Report results. Distribute sign-in sheets to the troop leader, and TO retains a copy. TO sends an electronic copy via email to the CEM within 24 hours. STEP #7 Follow up with the new troop leader and interested girls to get registered.
Troop Organizer Playbook 5
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