2021 Reflections Ceremony
Tristan Jenkins
Liana Jones
District 4, Juliette University of Missouri 13 years in Girl Scouts
District 7, Troop 2656 Metro Academic and Classical High School 10 years in Girl Scouts Liana knew she wanted to do her part to help local community cats to earn her Gold Award. So, Liana constructed five cat shelters and donated them to Gateway Pet Guardians to place around the area. Liana also created a website with step-by-step instructions for her District 6, Troop 628 Kirkwood Senior High School 13 years in Girl Scouts For Zoe, earning the Gold Award was more than fulfilling a lifelong goal—it provided her an opportunity to empower girls. Zoe built custom feminine hygiene product dispensers for five restrooms at Kirkwood High School. She then advocated for her school to provide higher-quality hygiene products.
After researching the benefits of outdoor classrooms on early child education, Tristan decided to build classroom equipment. Tristan constructed a hanging chalkboard, musical wall, tic tac toe board, an abacus string and alphabet letters for the kids to play with while they learn.
peers to build their own cat shelters.
Avery Kleinhenz
Zoe Knight
District 7, Troop Juliette Clayton High School 9 years in Girl Scouts
Avery organized a virtual baby shower to educate new mothers on the importance of infants' good sleep habits. After the shower, Avery delivered safe sleep essentials to the participants' homes. Finally, Avery created a safe sleep brochure for a local nonprofit to hand out to new mothers in need.
Cassidy Overmann
Erin Lambert
District 6, Troop 67 Cor Jesu Academy 13 years in Girl Scouts
District 10, Troop 2991 Windsor High School 9 years in Girl Scouts
After experiencing the effect Alzheimer's has on loved ones, Erin knew she wanted to do her part to help those in similar situations. So, Erin led her team to sew 30 fidget blankets. These blankets provide comfort and occupy patients of Alzheimer's while giving the caretakers room to perform other tasks.
As one of the Activity Staffers for Girl Scout Camp, Cassidy knew the need for more traffic signage around the three camps. So, Cassidy secured donated traffic signs and implemented them at all of the camps. She then created a presentation to share the driving safety rules for anyone visiting the camps.
Gold Award Girl Scouts with a Trefoil next to their name have earned all three of Girl Scouting's highest awards: the Girl Scout Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards.
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