2021 Reflections Ceremony
Shruti Panda
Cassi Rodgers
District 8, Troop 2336 Parkway West High School 9 years in Girl Scouts
District 15, Troop 9243 Marceline R-V 10 years in Girl Scouts
As a Girl Scout, Shruti learned that her voice matters but realized many of her peers were having difficulty getting their voices heard. So, Shruti created a virtual advocacy workshop where she taught the participants how to write letters and emails and make effective phone calls to representatives.
To earn her Gold Award, Cassi recognized the need for space for pollinators to pollinate safely. So, Cassi constructed a planter box of fresh vegetables and flowers. After researching and picking the best plants for her garden, Cassi placed the new box at Pioneer Skilled Nursing Home.
Lauren Sheets
Fareeha Siddique
District 7, Troop 2656 Clayton High School 12 years in Girl Scouts
District 8, Troop Juliette Parkway Central High School 12 years in Girl Scouts With the world adjusting to the new normal, Fareeha decided to take action and relieve some of the stress caused by COVID-19. Fareeha sewed 817 masks and donated them to local schools and food banks. She also made masks for the Navajo Nation, a community largely affected by the pandemic.
To earn her Gold Award, Lauren wanted to do her part to provide the same educational resources to students in need. Lauren began by collecting books to be donated to a small school in Burma. After COVID-19 disrupted her plans, Lauren also created an online library to share with the students.
Kaitlyn Smith
Megan Sollors
District 9, Troop 2463 Rosati Kain High School 13 years in Girl Scouts
District 4, Troop 243 Francis Howell High School 13 years in Girl Scouts Megan wanted to do her part to help the environment after two floods affected her community. So, Megan built three compost bins to help recycle food and yard waste for the Missouri Wildlife Rescue Center. Megan also presented her project to a local Girl Scout Troop and created a video to share online.
After learning that literacy rates are lower in underfunded schools, Kaitlyn took action to help those with fewer resources in her community. So, Kaitlyn worked with the St. Louis Catholic Academy library by buying new books, creating a curriculum for the library and organizing a check-out system.
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