Summer 2021 Inspire Discovery

For more than a century, Girl Scouts have proudly worn distinctive uniforms that symbolize the high ideals for which the organization stands. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri intends to remove financial barriers so all girls everywhere can develop essential leadership life skills while looking—and feeling—their best! That’s why, the Girl Scout Council has made available a Uniform Assistance Fund to all eligible eastern Missouri Girl Scouts who qualify to purchase age-appropriate uniform pieces. These pieces include the sash (or tunic for our Daisy Girl Scouts), troop numerals, our Girl Scout Council identification set and an American Flag patch. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Uniform Fund

New This Year:

• All uniform assistance fund recipients will receive complimentary heat press services so the uniform will be ready to wear

For more information and an application, visit our website at, Uniform Assistance Fund or contact the Girl Scout Shop, 314.592.2300.

Inspire Discovery Spring 2021 15

Inspire Discovery Summer 2021 15

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