Spring 2023 Inspire Discovery
A Character Like Me: Inspiring Kids with Leg-Length Discrepancies
fall 2022 | take action spring 023| take action
Issue: Children experiencing a leg-length discrepancy have limited resources to help them navigate life with this condition.
Project Details: Julie wrote a realistic fiction book about a character with this condition and how she navigates through her first surgery. This book allows kids to learn what to expect during future external fixator surgeries and treatments, so they don’t feel alone, scared or confused.
Root Cause: Because leg-length discrepancy is a very rare condition, there are very few resources available for children to access.
Julie also applied vinyl inspirational messages to 18 clinic rooms at
Project Goal: Continue to share the ebook with children with the disorder to help them navigate life challenges.
Shriners Hospital to provide encouragement to patients as they face many challenges.
Target Audience: Kids and families who will be going through a leg-lengthening surgery at Shriners Hospital
Sustainability: Shriners Children’s St. Louis will be sustaining the project. Julie provided Shriners with 165 English and 200 Spanish hard copies of the book. The book was published as a free ebook on Smashwords.
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