Spring 2022 Inspire Discovery
Girl Programs
SowWhat? Journey July 23 Start: 9 am End: 3 pm $45 per girl Max girls: 20 Registration Deadline: July 9
Offered to: Senior Grades 9-10 Girls will learn about food: how and where it’s grown, harvested, processed, distributed, and consumed, and why it matters. Seniors will have the chance to follow our food’s journey from field to fork by visiting a local farmers market (weather and COVID-19 restrictions permitting) and preparing a meal using local foods. A Senior Journey is a prerequisite to earning the Girl Scout Gold Award. After this program, girls will need to implement a Take Action Project to complete the Sow What? Journey. Offered to: Junior Grades 4-5 Whether you have or haven’t camped before, this weekend will show you how fun outdoor adventures can be and teach you how to care for our environment. Juniors will learn to take of animal habitats and resources, and camp outside. A Junior Journey is a prerequisite to earning the Girl Scout Bronze Award. Girl Scout Juniors will earn their Outdoor Journey which includes Animal Habitats, Camper, Eco Camper, and Take Action badges. Offered to: Daisy | Brownie Grades K-3 Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies will explore how programmers write computer programs for computers to solve problems. Girls will do three computational thinking activities and will learn how programmers write computer programs and how people can use computers to help others. Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies will earn their Think Like a Programmer Journey Award and their Coding for Good 1: Coding Basics Badge Offered to: Senior | Ambassador Grades 9-12 How often have you seen something that really needed to be changed and wondered “why isn’t someone doing something about that?” This journey gives you a way to be that someone—an advocate with the power to start the first flutter of real and lasting change. While creating your own butterfly effect, you’ll learn skills such as networking, planning, and speaking up for what you believe. A Senior or Ambassador Journey is a prerequisite to earning the Girl Scout Gold Award. Girl Scout Seniors will earn their Mission: Sisterhood Journey Award and Girl Scout Ambassadors will earn their Bliss Journey Award. Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146 Location: Sioux Passage County Park Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146
Junior Outdoor Journey-Overnight July 23-24 Start: 5:30 pm End: Noon $50 per girl Max girls: 20 Registration Deadline: July 9 Think Like a Programmer- Daisy/ Brownie July 29 Start: 9 am End: 3 pm $35 per girl Max girls: 24 Registration Deadline: July 15 Senior and Ambassador Journey Overnight July 29-30 Start: 5 pm End: 11 am $50 per girl Max girls: 20 Registration Deadline: June 11
Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146
56 Inspire Discovery Spring 2022
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