Spring 2022 Inspire Discovery
We invite you to be a part of the Her Future is Our Future Campaign! Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s $50 million Her Future is Our Future Campaign will help ensure that every girl in the eastern Missouri region has an opportunity to participate in Girl Scouts and become the leader she wants to be. You can support the campaign with a one-time gift, a multi-year pledge, or a planned gift. Visit the campaign page on our website or contact Janine Lawler, Chief Development Officer, at jlawler@girlscoutsem.org or 314.592.2367. We will also be sharing information on exciting donor recognition opportunities available at all three of our camp properties, including your family name or troop number on a brick paver, bench, picnic table, or special place at camp.
We’ll Be In Your District This spring and summer Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri plans to host events across the region to share all that this campaign will make possible for our eastern Missouri girls. Please watch for more information on when we will be in your area and plan to join us for one of these exciting events.
Exciting News! $2.5 Million “Dreaming Green” Challenge Match Thanks to the generosity of life-time Girl Scout Nance Frost, ALL new gifts and pledges received in support of the campaign will be MATCHED! Your gift will have DOUBLE the impact and make a lasting impact on the future of our girls.
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