Spring 2022 Inspire Discovery
Her Future is Our Future
ADA Accessible Archery Range at Camp Cedarledge Archery is an important Girl Scout outdoor activity that provides girls with opportunities to sharpen skills, improve hand/ eye coordination and enjoy friendly competition with one another. Girls can participate in archery activities while attending Resident or Troop Camp. At Camp Cedarledge a new Archery Range is currently being constructed in the area near Conestoga and Daisy Dell. This range will be ADA accessible making the activity available for girls of all abilities.
The new Archery Range will be open in early April 2022.
Prairie Grass Development at Camp Fiddlecreek The hillside outside the Dining Hall at Camp Fiddlecreek is the site of the Prairie Grass Development Project. Over the next few years it will be transformed into gathering places for the many activities that take place there including a lane for sled riding in the winter, walking paths and border areas. Over the course of several years this area will come alive with native plants such as Yarrow, Prairie Coreopsis, Coneflower, Indian Paintbrush, Rattlesnake Master, Wild Bergamot, Gray Golden Rod as well as Witch Grass, Little Bluestem and Fescue to name just a few of the hundred or more varieties of seeds that will be spread to create the Prairie Garden. The project will include informational signage and provide many program and learning opportunities for girls to come and watch the prairie grow. This new site will become home to insects, small mammals, birds, butterflies and frogs that will work together to help the Prairie Garden thrive. Girls will have the opportunity to be a part of the planting and upkeep of the area through planned programs that will be offered throughout the year. Each season in the prairie will bring something new and beautiful to experience.
10 Inspire Discovery Spring 2022
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