Spring 2021 Lead & Learn
GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD TRAINING: In this course, troop volunteers learn how to prepare girls to earn their Girl Scout Gold Award. What the Gold Award is, what steps are involved in completing it, and why girls should strive to earn it are all addressed in this interactive training.
Access this course online in gsLearn.
GIRL SCOUT SILVER AWARD TRAINING: In this course, troop volunteers learn how to prepare girls to earn their Girl Scout Silver Award. What the Silver Award is, what steps are involved in completing it, and why girls should strive to earn it are all addressed in this interactive training.
Access this course online in gsLearn.
IT’S YOUR JOURNEY - MAP IT!: ALL Confused about Journeys? In this course, you will learn how themes are developed throughout the Journeys and how to prepare materials to implement a Journey with your troop. Discover additional resources and activities to enhance your troop’s Journey experience.
Access this course online in gsLearn.
JUNIOR PROGRAM LEVEL TRAINING: New and experienced leaders alike will benefit from the information and resources provided in this comprehensive Junior program level training. The content helps troop leaders guide Girl Scouts through this developmental stage and provide them the best Girl Scout Leadership Experience possible, based on age-appropriate interests, abilities and needs.
Access this course online in gsLearn.
MANAGING MY TROOPS FROM MY ACCOUNT: ALL This course demonstrates how Troop Leaders can manage troop and troop member information from My Account. It also demonstrates how leaders can complete registration activities for troop members. During this course, learners earn a virtual badge after they complete each section. The course is complete when all 12 virtual badges are earned.
Access this course online in gsLearn.
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