Spring 2021 Lead & Learn
COOKIE TRAINING FOR TROOP COOKIE MANAGERS: ALL This training program is designed for new Troop Cookie Managers and those interested in a more in-depth review. It covers all elements of the Cookie Program including a detailed look at the program software and tips for running a successful program.
Access this course online in gsLearn.
COOKING FOR CROWDS AT CAMP: ALL This course is required for adult volunteers who wish to use dining hall kitchens at Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Camps. Participants learn policies and procedures for operating and cleaning the facilities, equipment and appliances. Practical hands-on experience is a key component of this course.
Note: A minimum of one adult volunteer per kitchen crew must be certified in Cooking for Crowds to use dining hall kitchens at eastern Missouri camps.
For additional information on COVID-19 protocol, please refer to Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri COVID-19 Response Guidelines.
Course fee is due at registration. Financial assistance is available.
Other Info
9:30 am-2:30 pm Camp Tuckaho
Fee: $8
DAISY PROGRAM LEVEL TRAINING: New and experienced leaders alike will benefit from the information and resources provided in this comprehensive Daisy program level training. The content helps troop leaders guide Girl Scouts through this developmental stage and provide them the best Girl Scout Leadership Experience possible, based on age-appropriate interests, abilities, and needs.
Access this course online in gsLearn.
FACILITATING VIRTUAL TROOP MEETINGS: ALL In this course you will learn how to create and facilitate an engaging virtual troop meeting. You will: explore the main reasons for hosting virtual troop meetings; learn how to transfer current troop meeting practices to a virtual space; discover techniques and tips to create engaging virtual experiences; and learn how to keep virtual meetings safe. Access this course online in gsLearn.
GIRL SCOUT BRONZE AWARD TRAINING: In this course, troop volunteers learn how to prepare girls to earn their Girl Scout Bronze Award. What the Bronze Award is, what steps are involved in completing it, and why a girl should strive to earn it are all addressed in this interactive training.
Access this course online in gsLearn.
This icon identifies which adult courses help complete a certification.
Adult Coursesā33
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