Spring 2021 Lead & Learn
Courses are grouped in the following categories: New Troop Leader Training New Troop Leader Training is a comprehensive one-hour course for all new Girl Scout troop leaders and assistant leaders. All new troop leaders and assistant troop leaders must complete New Troop Leader Training within 30 days of receiving this assignment in gsLearn. Eager to learn even more? The New Troop Leader Learning Path, conveniently located in gsLearn, is where you will find everything you need to know to set up your new troop for success!
Core Curriculum Courses These trainings provide volunteers with important
information, ideas and procedures to fulfill various Council roles, lead an overnight outing at a Girl Scout Camp, or serve as a First Aider at a Girl Scout event.
Program Levels Letters following course titles refer to Girl Scout program levels. Adults working with the level indicated would benefit the most from the course: Daisy, Grades K-1 Brownie, Grades 2-3 Junior, Grades 4-5 Cadette, Grades 6-8 Senior, Grades 9-10 Ambassador, Grades 11-12 All: All grade levels Seniors and Ambassadors are welcome to attend courses in this publication, unless otherwise indicated. They would register as an adult, but must bring a signed parent permission form.
Course Registration For detailed online registration instructions and how to register via paper application, see pgs. 49-50.
For assistance with registering, please contact our Answer Center at 314.400.4600 or answercenter@girlscoutsem.org.
Adult Courses 27
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