Spring 2021 Lead & Learn
Courses During this time of re-imagined programming and training you may notice changes in the way some of our courses are delivered. Courses developed by the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Adult Education team may be modified to permit a virtual or blended learning experience where the participants receive instruction from members of the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri training team. Even though the training may not look the same as in the past this will enable the courses to continue to be offered so adults will be trained and prepared to lead their girls.
If an in-person program participant does not want to attend the program for which she or he registered due to the uncertainty caused by COVID-19 or a change in the county’s status, a full refund will be issued if requested at least 7 days prior to the program. Please allow 30 days to receive. Please email the Answer Center at answercenter@girlscoutsem.org. For additional information, please refer to Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri COVID-19 Protocol . Photos used in this publication were taken before the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States.
If an Adult Education program is canceled by Council, those registered for the program will automatically receive a full refund. If you would like to donate all or part of the program cost to support ongoing programs, please email the Answer Center at answercenter@girlscoutsem.org .
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