Spring 2020 Lead & Learn
District 5 Troop Leader, Neighborhood Chair, District Chair, Gold Award Committee, April Showers Coordinator, Council Trainer
Pat Puller
What are you excited about for the future of Girl Scouts?
Pat: I am excited to see our Council increase the number of Girl Scout Gold Awardees and Silver Awardees. Most girls don’t know the benefits that these awards give them in life for school, scholarships and job applications. I am very excited about the increase in awareness.
As a volunteer, how has Girl Scouts helped you expand your leadership skills and self-confidence?
Pat: I was very shy when I started in Girl Scouts as an adult. It gave me the confidence to become a trainer and to be able to express and demonstrate the skills that I have acquired and share those with others.
District 12 Troop Leader, Cookie Manager, Day Camp Volunteer
Megan Dury
What inspired you to become a Girl Scout volunteer?
Megan: My childhood background with Girl Scouts! Also, being with the girls and learning how to camp. These are things I didn’t do with my immediate family, but Girl Scouts has taught me that I can do anything out there in the world. I wanted that experience for my own daughters, so they get to enjoy it as well.
Do you have a favorite Girl Scout memory?
Megan: Every moment is a different memory! Just seeing the girls grow, develop, be in charge and expand what they can do. One of my fondest memories is watching my girls grow at camp. We love camping. In my older girls’ troop we had some Girl Scouts drop out in fifth grade who came back in high school because of all the cool things we were doing at camp!
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