Spring 2020 Lead & Learn
District 9 Troop Leader Kynedra Ogunnaike
Why are you proud to say you are a Girl Scout volunteer?
Kynedra: I was a Girl Scout my entire life and I learned so many valuable lessons from Girl Scouts. I immediately knew that when I became a mother that I had to have my girl be a part of Girl Scouting, and also give the opportunity to girls that normally wouldn’t be able to do things such as camping, canoeing and having a powerful voice.
Do you have a favorite Girl Scout memory?
Kynedra: Probably the insane side of Girl Scout volunteering! Recently, I had two groups of girls working on their Girl Scout Bronze Awards at the same time. Balancing two different projects was quite interesting!
District 13 Troop Leader, Troop Organizer, Robotics Leader, Neighborhood Chair
Lisa McCleave
Do you have a favorite Girl Scout memory?
Lisa: I brought my two daughters with me to Troop Camp training. They were six and four years old at the time. It was their first time being at camp and sleeping in a tent. When we woke up the first morning it was 20 degrees outside. They had so much fun with their new friends that they never complained about the cold the entire weekend.
What are you excited about for the future of Girl Scouts?
Lisa: I am excited to watch my daughters and the girls in my troop take on more leadership roles and to eventually earn Girl Scouting’s Highest Awards.
10 Spring 2020 Lead & Learn
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