GSEM 2023 Adult Recognition Handbook
A service-delivery team or committee whose exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience surpassed team goals and resulted in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s overall goals
Service team/committee chair receives a 5” x 7” personalized walnut plaque. Additional committee/team members receive a personalized certificate
Completed online nomination form and recommendation
Board Committee Chair or designate
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
President’s Award
form from nominator plus two additional recommendation forms
An individual who is new to Girl Scouts and made an immediate impact on the organization through service in a district or neighborhood
Completed online nomination form and recommendation form from nominator plus two additional recommendation forms
Pearl Award
Board Committee Chair or designate
Mother of pearl shell pendant
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Individual, group, agency, institution or organization receives a personalized plaque and acknowledgment on plaque in the Girl Scout Service Center
Individual, group, agency, institution or organization that has made outstanding contributions with respect to diversity, equity and inclusion in Girl Scouts
Completed online nomination form and recommendation form from nominator plus two additional recommendation forms
Diversity Hall of Fame
Board Committee Chair or designate
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Completed online nomination form and recommendation form from nominator plus three additional recommendation forms
Individual who has made a superior contribution of outstanding, unusual and lasting service in support of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
Board Committee Chair or designate
Gold Laurel Award
Completed online nomination form and recommendation form from nominator plus three additional recommendation forms
A volunteer whose exemplary service and leadership has made a lasting and measurable impact on the council’s camping program
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
AntRabbit Award for Camping Excellence
Board Committee Chair or designate
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri 17
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