GSEM 2023 Adult Recognition Handbook
Honor Award Pin The Honor Award Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience which has had measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service, allowing the council to reach and surpass its mission delivery goals. Criteria • The candidate was a registered Girl Scout member during the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year • The service performed by the candidate exceeded expectations and had a measurable impact on two or more geographical areas of service Examples of Candidate • After noticing a steady decline in attendance of an annual multi-district event, this volunteer took charge to revitalize it. This event was traditionally only offered to Girl Scout Juniors. This volunteer opened up the event to Juniors-Ambassadors throughout the council jurisdiction and modified activities to pique the interest of older girls. Older girl participation in this event continues to increase year-over-year, making it a huge success. • A volunteer council trainer noticed that there was increasing confusion among volunteers in her district surrounding the troop trip application process. Using her facilitation and networking skills, she began to offer a troop trips course several times throughout the year to volunteers council-wide. Her efforts resulted in an increase in girl engagement through participation in troop trips. Procedure for Recommendation and Approval District Service Team members or any adult member recommends candidates to the District Manager. Once the award candidates are chosen, the District Manager completes the District Pin Approval Form online to indicate award approval. Honor Award Pins may then be purchased from the Girl Scout Shop by the District Manager or their representative. Recognitions may be presented at a district meeting or event.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri 15
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