Fall 2024 Lead & Learn

Fall 2024

Troop Camping and Outdoor Skills

Troop camping is a bonding experience like no other! This section contains the required certification courses for volunteers who wish to take their troops camping on or off Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri property, as well as outdoor skills courses to help make troop camping a huge success. With the proper training, Girl Scout troops can get the most out of their camping adventures!

Troop camping is the perfect way for girls and volunteers to experience the great outdoors together, and behind every camp experience is an adult who is well-versed in how to make the outing safe and memorable. Troop camp certification courses ensure adult volunteers know how to plan a troop camping experience that everyone enjoys. At least one adult volunteer accompanying girls on or off Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri property must be troop camp certified. Our three beautiful camp properties offer something for every troop! Check out camp unit pictures, descriptions, and amenities here. All the troop camp certification courses allow learners to meet the following objectives: • Understand how to prepare girls for a camping experience, budget for the trip and develop packing lists • Experience hands-on practice in fire-building and outdoor cooking skills

• Learn to use and care for camp facilities • Discover ideas for activities and programs at camp

Troop Camping at GSEM (online course) and thoroughly reading the Troop Camp Information Packet (TCIP) are prerequisites for all troop camp certification courses. Three types of troop camp certification courses are offered: Troop Camp A-Z, Troop Camp Fast Track, and Troop Camp Blitz. See the descriptions for each course on the pages that follow to learn more. Remember that outdoor skills aren’t just useful for overnight camping. They also come in handy for day outings at our council camps, hiking in state parks, or any other fun outdoor activity Girl Scouts can dream up. For even more courses that are useful for troop camping or outdoor adventures, check out the course catalog sections for Aquatics (Spring edition only), Archery, Camp and Service Volunteers, and First Aid, CPR and Mental Wellness.

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