Fall 2024 Lead & Learn

eBudde 101

Level: All

Course Description : This course will provide volunteers with an overview of the eBudde system, which is used by cookie volunteers to manage their troop’s cookie activities. Following the live course, the recording will be available for viewing on gsLearn.

Course Registration : Register for this course by opening the course in the Content Library, selecting Start This Course and clicking Register next to the desired date.





Mon. 1/6

6:30-8 pm



Cookie Rookie Learning Path

Level: All

Learning Path Description : New to the Cookie Manager role and not sure what this means or what to do? The courses in this learning path are curated to ensure a new troop cookie manager better understands the Cookie Program, the systems and their role.

Courses in this learning path : • New Leader Onboarding: The Girl Scout Cookie Program (GSUSA) • eBudde 101 • Digital Cookie for Volunteers • Cookie Delivery/Cupboards/Booths • Best Practices in Cookie Money Management

Only the two Cookie Bites Modules listed are part of the Learning Path. They will be available on December 10. Other courses are available as shown.

Learning Path Registration : Learning path available in the Content Library in gsLearn. Open the learning path, then register for or access each course component separately from within the learning path.

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