Fall 2024 Lead & Learn

Fall 2024

Troop Treats & Reads Manager Modules

Level: All

Course Description : Nuts & Bolts modules are for troop-level Treats & Reads Managers. They include four sessions that can be viewed at a volunteer’s convenience. Completion of the Getting Started module is required prior to participation in Treats & Reads.

Nuts & Bolts Modules : • Getting Started for Treats & Reads • Submitting Your Troop’s Order • Product Delivery • Wrapping Up Treats & Reads

Course Access : Course available in the Content Library in gsLearn.

Troop Cookie Manager Training Modules

Level: All

Course Description : Cookie Bites modules are for troop-level Cookie Managers. They include five sessions that can be viewed at a volunteer’s convenience. Completion of the Getting Started module is required prior to access to the eBudde system and to participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program.

Cookie Bites Modules : • Getting Started • Submitting Initial Order • Best Practices in Cookie Money Management • Cookie Delivery/Cupboards/Booths • Wrapping Up Cookies

Course Access : Course available in the Content Library in gsLearn on Dec. 10.

34 Lead & Learn Fall 2024

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