Fall 2023 Lead & Learn
Service Unit Training - Leading Effective Digital Meetings (GSUSA)
Level: All
Course Description: District and neighborhood meetings are crucial – even when you can’t meet in person. This course will review the basic tools and best practices for making your digital meetings a success. Course Access: Course available in the Content Library in gsLearn.
Slingshot Instructor Training
Level: All
Course Description: If your troop is looking for something new to do at camp, or you are looking for a challenging activity that even Daisies can enjoy, it’s time for you to try slingshots! Learn how to bring the fun of slingshots to your Girl Scouts in this two-hour, in-person course. As a target sport at our Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri camps, slingshots use the same ranges as archery and hatchet throwing, and share the same set-up and safety principles as archery. Because of this, participants must possess a current USA Archery Level 1 or Level 2 Instructor certification to become a Slingshot Instructor or lead a slingshot activity at our camps. Slingshot Instructor Training results in a course completion rather than a certification, and is renewable every three years. Proof of current archery certification and current slingshot training must be shown to the Camp Supervisor in order to use the equipment and range for a slingshot activity or program. Course Prerequisite: Current USA Archery Level 1 or Level 2 Instructor certification (no exceptions) Course Registration: Register for this course by opening the course in gsLearn, selecting Start This Course, and following the direct link to gsEvents for the desired date, or by searching in gsEvents.
Fee $15 $15
Sun. 10/1 Sun. 10/15
2-4 pm 2-4 pm
Camp Cedarledge Camp Fiddlecreek
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Certification Course
Level: All
Course Description: Given the importance of mental wellbeing in our lives and the prevalence of mental health and substance abuse challenges in youth today, we are offering a Youth Mental Health First Aid certification course. This blended-learning course consists of a two-hour self-paced online course and a five and a half-hour in-person learning session. This three-year certification uses a nationally-recognized curriculum developed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing to assist youth aged 12-18, and is taught by certified instructors. You won’t want to miss this powerful and highly relevant course. Online learning assignments must be completed in full before attending the in-person session (no exceptions). Course Registration: Register for this course by opening the course in gsLearn, selecting Start This Course, and following the direct link to gsEvents for the desired date, or by searching in gsEvents.
Fee $25 $25 $25
Sat. 12/9 Fri. 2/16 Sat. 4/27
9 am-2:30 pm 11:30 am-5 pm 9 am-2:30 pm
Girl Scout Service Center Girl Scout Service Center Girl Scout Service Center
Lead & Learn Fall 2023 25
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