Fall 2022 Inspire Discovery
Leap Bot Design Challenge Jan. 28 Start: 9:30 am End: 10:30 am OR Start: 11 am End: 12 pm
Offered to: Brownie Grades 2-3 Girls will design, build, and test things like an engineer as they create their own Leap Bot. We’ll learn about springs and create a way to test our Leap Bot’s performance—and work on ways to make it better. Girl Scouts will also have the opportunity to explore The Magic House MADE for Kids, where they can paint on a digital easel, sculpt a clay creation, launch a rocket and more!
$18 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 18 Registration Deadline: Jan. 14
Girl Scout Brownies will earn their Mechanical Engineering Leap Bot Design Challenge Badge.
Location: MADE for Kids, 5127 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis 63108
Daisy Snow Adventure Jan. 29 Start: 1 pm End: 4 pm
Offered to: Daisy Grades K-1 A unique opportunity in Missouri, Daisies will go tubing at Hidden Valley Ski Park to earn their Snow Adventure Badge. Let’s have some fun in the snow!
$75 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 30 Max adults: 10 Registration Deadline: Jan. 15
Girl Scout Daisies will earn their Snow Adventure Badge.
Location: Hidden Valley Ski Resort, 17409 Hidden Valley Dr., Eureka 63025
Junior Snow Adventure Jan. 29 Start: 9 am End: noon
Offered to: Junior Grades 4-5 A unique opportunity in Missouri, Juniors will learn to downhill ski at Hidden Valley Ski Resort. Let’s hit the slopes and have some snow fun!
$75 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 30 Max adults: 5 Registration Deadline: Jan. 15
Girl Scout Juniors will earn their Snow Adventure Badge.
Location: Hidden Valley Ski Resort, 17409 Hidden Valley Dr., Eureka 63025
Brownie/Junior STEM Career Exploration with AT&T Jan. 30 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $5 per Girl Scout
Offered to: Brownie | Junior Grades 2-4 Girl Scout STEM Career Exploration badges help Girl Scouts discover how they can take on some big challenges and problems that we face – and solve them! Brownies and Juniors will earn their STEM Career Exploration Badge with help from AT&T. In this program, Girl Scouts learn about STEM careers at this modern media company that provides their customers around the world with connectivity, technology, entertainment, news, advertising, and more!
Max Girl Scouts: 150 Registration Deadline: Jan. 16
Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors will earn their STEM Career Exploration Badges.
Location: Virtual
Race Car Design Jan. 31 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 24 Registration Deadline: Jan. 17 My Financial Power/ My Financial Independence Feb. 2 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 25 Registration Deadline: Jan. 19
Offered to: Brownie Grades 2-3 Brownies will design, build, and test race cars to explore how science impacts the design. Girls will test and record their results to learn about the design affects speed and performance.
Girl Scout Brownies will earn their Mechanical Engineering: Race Car Design Challenge Badge.
Location: Camp Fiddlecreek, 558 Daisy Ln., Labadie 63055
Offered to: Senior | Ambassador Grades 9-12 Dive deeper into money and find out how investing, inflation, and philanthropy works. Seniors and Ambassadors will also make a financial plan for the future.
Girl Scout Seniors will earn their My Financial Power Badge and Girl Scout Ambassadors will earn their My Financial Independence Badge.
Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146
66 Inspire Discovery Fall 2022
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