Fall 2022 Inspire Discovery

Gold Award Training Jan. 11 Start: 6 pm End: 8 pm $0 per Girl Scout Registration Deadline: Jan. 8 My Cookie Customers - Brownies Jan. 12 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 30 Registration Deadline: Dec. 29 Babysitter Boot Camp Jan. 13 Start: 5 pm End: 6:30 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 20 Registration Deadline: Dec. 30 Independence Jan. 13 Start: 7 pm End: 8:30 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 20 Registration Deadline: Dec. 30 Winter GAM Jan. 13-15 Start: 7-8 pm End: 10 am $25 per person Max. Girl Scouts: 100 Max. adults: 25 Registration Deadline: Dec. 30

Offered to: Seniors | Ambassadors Grades 9-12 This course is for Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors interested in pursuing the Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest community service award a high school-aged girl can earn. Parents, caregivers and troop leaders are welcome to attend, too! Turn to pg. 40 for more information on earning the Gold Award.

fall 2022 | programs

Location: Virtual

Offered to: Brownie Grades 2-3 Selling Girl Scout cookies can be fun, especially when you have lots of customers! In this badge program, Brownies will explore where to find customers and make a plan to reach out.

Girl Scout Brownies will earn their My Cookie Customers Badge.

Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146

Offered to: Junior | Cadette Grades 4-8 Babysitting is a great way to build responsibility and care-giving skills (and earn some extra money!). Whether you are getting ready to start babysitting, or you’ve already started, this badge will help you become the best babysitter you can be. We’ll cover how to start your babysitting business, professionalism, important first aid skills, and child development. Participants will receive a certificate of completion for the course.

Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes will earn their Babysitter Badge.

Location: Homebank, 3817 McMasters Ave., Hannibal 63401

Offered to: Junior | Cadette Grades 4-8 As you grow up, it’s time to start taking care of yourself. From staying home alone to walking to school, to shopping alone, there’s a lot to learn about! We will start down the road to independence so you can feel confident on your own, show your family they can trust you, and gain the knowledge needed to keep yourself safe and healthy. We’ll cover basic first aid, safety and emergencies, and self-care skills.

Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes will earn their Independence Badge.

Location: Homebank, 3817 McMasters Ave., Hannibal 63401

Offered to: Cadette | Senior | Ambassador Grades 6-12 What is Winter GAM? It’s a gathering for girls who like water sports, such as swimming, canoeing or sailing. Winter GAM is hosted by the Girl Scout Mariners who welcome other girls and Mariners alike to spend a fun weekend at camp. The event includes games, water sport instruction, learning sea shanties and more fun! Participants do not get in the water during this winter event. What are Mariners? Girl Scout Mariners are girls in grades 7-12 and adult volunteers who enjoy water activities. They are part of “Ships” who get together during the year for fun, friendship and activities. The capstone Mariner event is Summer GAM, which is a week long resident camp just for Mariners. Girls and adults interested in joining the Mariner program are encouraged to attend Winter GAM. Location: Camp Tuckaho, 163 Tuckaho Ln., Troy 63379

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