Fall 2021 Treats and Reads Troop Manager Guide
program timeline
Oct. 17 Parents/Caretakers Enter Orders From Paper Order Card Online Orders are entered from the paper order cards by the girl’s parent/caretaker. They will click on Manage Paper Orders on their girl’s online dashboard. A tip sheet for parents/caretakers is available on the Treats & Reads web page. The deadline for parents/caretakers to enter their Girl Scout’s paper orders in M2 is Oct. 17 at 11 pm CST. If parents/caretakers cannot enter the paper orders, they need to be given to the troop by Oct. 17 and you will have to manually enter the order.
Note: Parents/caretakers only enter the paper order card items. All online orders calculate automatically and are added to your troop’s order.
24 Treats & Reads Guide
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