Fall 2021 Treats and Reads Troop Manager Guide
Program Overview Program Timeline
During Program sEPT. 25 Girls Set Up M2 Storefront
Girls use the instructions on the M2 flier, or in the M2 email, to access the online site and set up their online store. They create a Girl Scout Avatar, record a message and/or upload a video then send emails to friends and family inviting them to shop from an expanded selection of nuts, candy, tins and new or renewed magazine subscriptions. They can earn special patches just for sending 18+ emails through the system.
sEPT. 25 GO Day, Order Taking Begins
Girls can take orders for the Treats & Reads Program.
Attention Opt-Out Troops: • Conduct a vote to opt out of the girls in your troop. A majority vote must be made for a troop to opt out and the girls in the troop need to sign the form for your records, see appendix
• Submit the council notification at girlscoutsem.org/optoutform
• Change reward opt-out setting in M2 on the troop dashboard. Remember, this is only available to Cadette, Senior and Ambassador-level troops
Treats and Reads Guide 23
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