Fall 2021 Inspire Discovery
Offered to: Grades 6-8 Get your popcorn ready! During this two-session virtual program, girls will try their hand at movie-making. During the first week, girls will learn the digital video basics and begin planning their masterpieces. Girls will then have a week to film their own movies before debuting them during the second week. Location: Virtual
Digital Movie Maker April 20 and 27 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $15 per girl Max girls: 20 Registration Deadline: April 6 Car Care April 21 Start: 6 pm End: 8 pm $10 per girl Max girls: 25 Registration Deadline: April 7 aMAZE Journey April 23 Start: 1 pm End: 6 pm $30 per girl Max girls: 25 Registration Deadline: April 9 Think Like a Citizen Scientist- Camp Cedarledge BioBlitz April 30 Start: 9:30 am End: noon $25 per girl Max girls: 24 Registration Deadline: April 16 Daisy Flower Garden April 30 Start: 1 pm End: 4 pm $30 per girl Max girls: 25 Registration Deadline: April 16
Offered to: Grades 9-12 Driving is an exciting step toward independence, a chance to have fun going new places—and a big responsibility. In this program, you’ll master maintenance tips that keep a car in top form and driving skills that will help you drive the road safely. Girl Scout Seniors will earn their Car Care Badge and Girl Scout Ambassadors will receive a Girl Scout Shop voucher. Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146 Grades 6-8 Navigating relationships is one of the biggest challenges Girl Scouts Cadettes can face. This Journey will give Cadettes tools to strengthen friendships, resist peer pressure, and resolve conflicts. We’ll have some tough conversations about issues that middle schoolers face—and we’ll have a lot of fun doing it! A Cadette Journey is a prerequisite to the Girl Scout Silver Award. After this program, girls will need to implement a Take Action Project to complete the aMAZE Journey. Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146 Grades 6-12 Girls will learn how citizen scientists make observations, collect data and help scientists conduct scientific research. Then, we’ll apply what we’ve learned by surveying and identifying the living things that call camp home, including flowers, birds, reptiles, mammals and more! Girls will record their findings and share their observations with researchers and scientists using iNaturalist as part of the City Nature Challenge. Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors will earn their Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey Award and know how to take action when they leave. Offered to: Offered to: Offered to: Grades K-1 In this program, Girl Scout Daisies will learn about the Girl Scout Law more in depth, and begin to understand the values it represents. Through caring for their plant friends, girls will learn about responsibility, and they’ll improve the world around them by completing a special take action project. Girl Scout Daisies will earn their Daisy Flower Garden Journey. Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146 Location: Camp Cedarledge
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