2025 GSEM Adult Recognition Handbook

• Did the candidate’s contribution primarily benefit my troop? A certificate of appreciation or a heartfelt token of thanks from your troop may be exactly what is needed. • Did the candidate’s contribution benefit multiple troops, a school district, or an entire neighborhood? There are several neighborhood-level recognitions that might be suitable (pg. 10). • Did the candidate’s contribution impact multiple neighborhoods or an entire district? There are three district-level recognitions to choose from (pg. 11). • Did the candidate’s contribution benefit multiple districts, the entire council, or Girl Scouts as a whole? Look for a council-level recognition that would match the type of service or leadership provided (pg. 12). • Is the candidate an amazing troop leader? Check out the Outstanding Troop Leader Award (neighborhood level). If the amazing leader is also new to Girl Scouts, the Pearl Award (council level) could be an option. • Has the candidate’s contribution been impactful over time? Recognitions with the words “sustained” or “lasting” in the description might be the best fit. • Is the candidate outside of Girl Scouts? The Award of Merit Certificate (neighborhood level), Spark Award , Gold Trefoil Award , or Diversity Hall of Fame (council level) are all appropriate to honor individuals or groups outside of Girl Scouts. • Determine what recognitions the candidate has already received by searching the Past Awardee Database. This step is very important, as many recognitions may only be awarded to a candidate once. Still having trouble choosing the right adult recognition? Reach out to your Neighborhood Manager, District Manager, or Community Engagement Manager for assistance. Contact the Answer Center at 314.400.4600 or answercenter@girlscoutsem.org if you are unsure regarding your neighborhood or district leadership.

If you have decided that a neighborhood-, district-, or council-level recognition is in order, your next step as a nominator is to submit your candidate for award consideration.

Adult Recognition Handbook 6

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