2025 GSEM Adult Recognition Handbook
Nomination Process
Adult Recognition Nomination Process
Who Can Nominate Someone for Recognition? In general, anyone can nominate an individual or group for recognition unless otherwise indicated. Some recognitions may require coordination with others to complete the nomination process, so please understand the nomination requirements before you begin. How Do I Know Who to Recognize? Below are suggested methods to determine who to recognize for their contributions to Girl Scouts. • List all the people who helped you the past membership year in Girl Scouts. These could be fellow members, or individuals or groups outside of Girl Scouts. • List any adult who absolutely wowed you with their contributions. Did they benefit your troop, the troops in your school, the whole neighborhood or district, multiple neighborhoods or districts, the entire council, or the Girl Scout Movement? • Write next to each name what kind of recognition would be most meaningful and applicable for the individual or group. Would it be fun for them to receive recognition in front of a crowd? Would they appreciate recognition in private? Would a special thank you from yourself or your troop be best? • Highlight the individuals or groups who went above and beyond. Should they receive a neighborhood, district, or council recognition? How Do I Know Which Adult Recognition Is Appropriate? There are many ways to recognize worthy adults in our council. As a nominator , you are responsible for determining which types of recognition are best for your potential candidates. The following are suggested approaches for matching a candidate to a recognition: • Consider the outstanding service or leadership a candidate provided, who it benefited, and how great an impact it made when determining which adult recognition would be most appropriate. • Ask yourself the following questions: Congratulations! You now have list of potential candidates for recognition. Time to move on to the next step.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
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