2024 Reflections Program

Changemaker Scholarship All Girl Scouts who earn their Gold Award at the 2024 Reflections Ceremony will be considered for the 2025 Changemaker Scholarship; a $5,000 higher-education scholarship awarded at Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s annual Dessert First event. The Changemaker Scholarship Committee will begin the selection process in summer 2024. Lifetime Membership Our 2024 Gold Award Girl Scouts will be gifted a Lifetime Membership from Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri upon graduation. Lifetime members have access to a supportive group of like-minded individuals to help alum continue their involvement and engagement with our organization, in whatever way that inspires them, for years to come. Learn more about the benefits of a Lifetime Membership at girlscouts.org/lifetime . Tribute Gifts Celebrate your Girl Scout by making a tribute gift in their honor to the Gifts for Girls campaign. Your donation will help Girl Scouts continue to improve their communities for years to come. Additionally, your gift will be recognized in our next Impact Report . Please utilize the donation envelope provided in the program, or visit girlscoutsem.org/donate . By earning the Girl Scout Gold Award, your Girl Scout has joined an elite group of rock stars, role-models and real life heroes. They have made a lasting impact in their communities—and beyond. And we can't wait to see what they do next! Now that you have celebrated their remarkable accomplishment, there are several opportunities for our Gold Award Girl Scouts to pursue! Congratulations

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