2024 Reflections Program

Ava Hillebrandt Concerned about the lack of awareness and education regarding sexual harassment, Ava set out to address this issue for her Gold Award project. She created and distributed posters around Ladue Horton Watkins High School with statistics and definitions on sexual harassment in the St. Louis area, as well as tips for helping fellow students stay safe. She also created a website and an Instagram page, titled Never Ending Victims, with links to resources and ways students could find help if they needed it. Additionally, she presented at multiple Girl Scout Day Camps to educate young Girl Scouts on what to do if they experience or witness sexual harassment, and presented to Girl Scout caregivers on how they can help stop sexual harassment in their communities. “Through the Gold Award process, I grew my team building skills and public speaking skills. I will continue to expand the outreach for my project in coming years as well.” Legacy Jackson To earn her Gold Award, Legacy partnered with the Gateway 180 Shelter to create the “Legacy Play Space,” a fun, safe and interactive area for children 12 and under who reside at the shelter. After researching other shelters across the country, Legacy provided educational toys and learning aids, books, and new play sets. She then assembled all of the toys and furniture. Once the new space was complete, Legacy had the opportunity to present her Gold Award project to the mayor of St. Louis City and she hosted a grand opening celebration for the play space. The Little Legacies Community Service Organization and Gateway 180 Shelter will continue to maintain the space in the future. "My favorite part of the Gold Award process was seeing the joy on the kids’ faces at my grand opening event. It felt amazing!”

District 7, Juliette Ladue Horton Watkins High School 13 years in Girl Scouts Milestones Girl Scout Bronze Award 13-Year Girl Scout Graduating Girl Scout

District 9, Troop 941 Cardinal Ritter College Prep 10 years in Girl Scouts

Milestones Girl Scout Bronze Award Girl Scout Silver Award 10-Year Girl Scout

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