2023 Troop Cookie Manager Guide
December-January 7 Family Cookie Meetings Host a meeting with Girl Scouts and families to discuss the cookie program. Check out the Family Meeting Guides to plan your meeting. Confirm all parents/adults have signed annual health/history forms and all Girl Scouts have updated memberships. Prepare girl packets and distribute. If you need additional Cookie Materials, contact your Neighborhood Cookie Manager. December 15 Girl Scouts Set Up Digital Cookie Storefront Parent/adults with emails in the membership system will receive an email to set up Digital Cookie on Dec. 15. Customers can begin ordering on Jan. 7. Set up troop Digital Cookie Virtual Booth Each troop has the option to create their own virtual booth site through Digital Cookie. It will look like a Girl Scout’s site but will function separately from them. The link to your troop virtual booth can be used for things like cookie booth pickup orders and the Digital Cookies- in hand credit card payments at booths. The troop’s virtual booth can be set up for shipping only, or can also include girl-delivery. Any troop virtual booth link will be advertised through the Girl Scouts USA Cookie Finder beginning in February. Sales that come in through the virtual booth, which is not intended to be a replacement for normal troop cookie activities, will still need to be transferred to individual Girl Scouts in eBudde, like you would do for a regular booth.
When you log in as the troop user, on the left side of your screen there will be a button to activate that link. You will be able to go through the full set-up process. See step by step instructions in the appendix on pg. 68.
By January 13 Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Troops Can Opt-Out
Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops who have completed a majority vote to opt-out of physical rewards in order to receive additional proceeds, should confirm their vote at https://bit.ly/21-22OptOut and opt out of rewards through eBudde settings by January 13. Settings cannot be adjusted by anyone but council after this time and cannot be changed after the troop’s initial order has been submitted.
Questions about opting out? Contact the Answer Center answercenter@girlscoutsem.org .
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