2023 Troop Cookie Manager Guide
December 8 Log In To eBudde
December 7 Log In To eBudde Primary troop cookie volunteers will receive an email from do_not_reply@littlebrownie.com inviting them to log in to eBudde. Returning users can also go directly to cookieportal.littlebrownie.com and log in using their previous information. Upon log in, returning users will be prompted to enter a new password. If you run into any issues, click forgot password and click through the prompted email to set up for the new season. If your information changes during the cookie program, please update it in the portal. Volunteers will receive an email from do_not_reply@littlebrownie.com inviting them to log in to eBudde. Returning users can also go directly to cookieportal.littlebrownie.com and log in using their previous information. Upon log in, returning users will be prompted to enter a new password. If you run into any issues, click forgot password and click through the prompted email to set up for the new season. If your information changes during the cookie program, please update it in the portal. Familiarize yourself with the eBudde Dashboard. • Scroll to see the troops in your area and check their rosters and sales progress • Under the Reports tab, find the information you need on unsubmitted orders, rewards and more Familiarize yourself with the eBudde Dashboard. • Check out the Messages, Calendar, Checklist and more • Click on the various tabs to learn more about what is in them • Go to the Girls tab to make sure your active Girl Scouts show on the list. If you are missing any, please reach out to the Answer Center. If you have any Girl Scouts who are no longer with your troop and should be moved to another troop, please let us know. Find more information and get help using the Help Center in eBudde. During the program, you can communicate with families in your troop by navigating to the Contacts Tab and selecting Email Branch. Select who will receive your message on the right-side menu. Troops will not be able to add Girl Scouts in eBudde and must contact council to request they be added. Find more information and get help using the Help menu or the VIPeTraining sections. During the program, encourage troops to participate and help with tips and reminders. You can communicate with families in your troop by navigating to the Contacts Tab and selecting Email Branch. Select who will receive your message on the right-side menu.
Troops will not be able to add girls in eBudde and will have to contact council to request they be added. Membership data will be imported on the following dates: Membership data will be imported on the following dates: • December 1 • December 23 • January 6 • January 27 • March 19 Please note, Girl Scouts who are not participating do not affect the girl-selling PGA or eligibility for contests or rewards. Therefore, if a troop has a Girl Scout on their roster who is no longer participating, her presence will not impact their sales. We ask that troops not request a girl be removed from their troop or rewards. Therefore, if a troop has a Girl Scout on their roster who is no longer participating, her presence will not impact their sales. We are only able to remove a Girl Scout from a troop if she is now with another troop. Please note, Girl Scouts who are not participating do not affect the girl-selling PGA or eligibility for contests • November 30 • December 10 • January 7 • January 28
Log In To Digital Cookie An email will be sent to the primary troop cookie volunteer on Dec. 8 with your unique DC login information. It should be coming from “Girl Scout Cookies” with the subject “Register for the Digital Cookie Platform Today.” Digital Cookie can be accessed at https://digitalcookie.girlscouts.org/login or through the eBudde Cookie Portal.
in eBudde, unless they know the girl should be moved to a different troop.
Log In To Digital Cookie
Troop Cookie Manager Guide 21
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