2024 GSEM Program Partner Guide

Please initial below.

I understand that my organization will need to complete a new Program Partner Agreement by December 1 each year that will be valid from January 1 through December 31.

I agree that our organization/business supports Girl Scouts in its efforts to make Girl Scouting available to all girls and adults regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, age, national origin, gender, veteran status, sexual orientation, marital status, or the presence of any physical, sensory or mental disability (provided the participant can safely undertake the activity). I and my company hereby agree to hold harmless and waive any claims of liability against Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, and any or all of its staff and volunteers for any and all incidents, claims, occurrences, accidents and/or omissions caused by my actions or omissions, or any and all actions or omissions of my staff, my company, and/ or anyone else under my control or the control of my company. I and my company also agreed to defend, indemnify, and/or make whole Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri for any and all incidents, claims, occurrences, accidents and/or omissions caused by my actions or omissions, or any and all actions or omissions of my staff, my company, and/or anyone else under my control or the control of my company. I agree that our organization/business will produce a Certificate of Insurance naming Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri as an additional insured, and that this provision in this agreement requires that additional insured status to be in effect for the duration of this agreement. I have read and understand the zero tolerance sexual abuse, physical abuse, and molestation policy as written on pg. 13 of the Program Partner Guide.

I agree to provide at least one free-of-charge activity or booth at a Council program or event

I agree to adhere to program outline and content in line with earning requirements for badges and/or Journeys when applicable. I agree to comply with Girl Scout Safety Activity Checkpoints that apply to all activities offered. I agree to refrain from using the Girl Scout name and logo on any materials without prior written consent, which includes curriculum materials, patches, fliers and also electronically on social media or business/organization website. workshops, community service projects and Journey experiences by ensuring the words “Scout,” “Scouts” and “Scouting” never appear without the modifier “Girl” and each word should be capitalized. I agree to abstain from offering direct sales as an element of my organization’s activities or events. This is a prohibited activity. I agree to abstain from using mailing lists generated from event registrations as marketing tools unless participants opt-in to receive future communications. I understand the relationship between Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri and Program Partners is a voluntary partnership and can be dissolved at any time for non-compliance with our safety and risk management standards, insurance requirements and actions that do not align with the mission and values of Girl Scouts. If non-compliance is report or suspected, the partnership will be put on hold allowing GSEM to further investigate. I agree to promote Girl Scout nights, badge

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