2024 GSEM Program Partner Guide

Girl Scout Levels Served Daisy (K-1) □

Brownie (2-3) □

Junior (4-5) □

Cadette (6-8) □

Senior (9-10) □

Ambassador (11-12) □

Does your organization background check staff and volunteers? Yes □ No □

If no, please list all facilitators who will undergo a background check through Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri.

Do you have more than one location? Yes □ No □ If yes, which will offer Girl Scout programming?

Will there be a fee for Girl Scouts to participate in your programming? Yes □ No □ If yes, what will the fee cover?

Will you offer badge/Journey workshops? Yes □ No □ Please complete the Badge/Journey Program Breakdown for all badge/Journey workshops offered.

Does your organization offer virtual programming? Yes □ No □

Do you offer overnight options? Yes □ No □

Does your activity require a signed waiver? Yes □ No □

If a waiver is required, please check the activity you provide: Rock Climbing □ Indoor Trampoline □

Horseback Riding □

Challenge Course/Zipline □

Tree Climbing □


As a Program Partner, you will have the opportunity to offer programs to the Girl Scouts and promote your programs through our biannual publication, activity booths at events, as well as on our Program Partners webpage.

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