2024 GSEM Program Partner Guide
Insurance Organizations and businesses that partner with Girl Scouts must submit a current Certificate of Insurance verifying a minimum total occurrence limit of $1 million in commercial general liability coverage (or a combination of that and umbrella liability), $1 million in automobile coverage and workers’ compensation coverage.* The Certificate of Insurance must identify Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri as the certificate holder and name Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri as an additional insured on the Commercial General Liability policy. Please see below for the correct listing
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, Inc. 2300 Ball Drive St. Louis, MO 63146
By carrying adequate liability insurance, the Program Partner is able to accept the responsibility for actions of its staff and volunteers. Please note: It is possible that not all girls attending your programs are registered Girl Scouts. Non-members are not covered under Girl Scout insurance. Agreement to Indemnify and Hold Harmless Program Partners are required to indemnify and hold harmless Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri from any acts or omissions by the Program Partner that lead to any kind of claim, costs, damages, lawsuits, etc. Waivers If a waiver needs to be signed by participants and/or a parent/guardian, please provide the waiver to the Girl Scout parent or volunteer prior to the day of the program and have them bring it with them to the program. *Organizations providing only virtual programming for Girl Scouts must submit a current Certificate of Insurance verifying a minimum total occurrence limit of $1 million in commercial general liability coverage listing Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri as certificate holder.
14 Program Partner Guide
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