2022 Recruitment Playbook

Introduction to Girl Scouts and Large Group Recruitment Events Event Overview These events provide families a chance to learn about Girl Scouts. Typically for Introduction to Girl Scout events, five to 25 girls attend from a particular location or grade level while large group recruitment nights are much larger with more than 25 girls and families. At both of these events, activities are provided to occupy the girls. At the same time, the parents/caregivers learn more about Girl Scouts. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to ask questions. The goal is to secure a new troop at each elementary school, recruit adult volunteers and register the girls on-site.


Three weeks before event • Schedule venue •

Verify date, time & room

• Find out if a table and chairs are provided • If needed, submit facility usage forms to CEM • Review Looker for school specific year-over- year trends • Order fliers and additional recruitment materials from your Community Engagement Manager using the paper form or vr.girlscoutsem.org/TORequest Recruit Volunteers for event • Using Looker, find CEM or Neighborhood Manager so you can identify recruitment event volunteers. This may include program/ older girl volunteers • Using Looker access the troop list for the school and the leaders’ contact information, or contact your CEM • Send an email to confirm date, time & location

Supplies Needed Event Promotion Supplies • Event fliers • Yard signs • Recruitment stickers

Event Supplies • Event sign-in sheets

• Activity supplies, if needed • Welcome to Girl Scouts Guide • Girl and Adult Member Forms

• Financial Aid forms • Uniform diagrams

Two weeks before event •

Schedule a pick-up date & time for recruitment materials Promote your Recruitment Event

• Choose girl activity for the event and make a list of supplies

(continued on next page)

10 Troop Organizer Playbook

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