2021 Reflections Ceremony
2021 Girl Scout Gold Award Sabrina Baggstrom District 6, Juliette Kirkwood Senior High School 13 years in Girl Scouts
Navya Bhagat
District 8, Troop Juliette Parkway Central High School 13 years in Girl Scouts Navya built a compost bin and installed it at a local elementary school to earn her Gold Award. Navya then created a presentation and lesson plans for the school to implement into their curriculum. Finally, Navya led a team to clean up trash around Creve Coeur Lake.
This remarkable Girl Scout organized and planned a website and coding workshop for young girls. Sabrina created lesson plans, step-by-step worksheets and example websites to teach the girls how to code and design a website.
Olivia Biernacki
Aleah Bingham
District 7, Troop 2656 Ladue Horton Watkins High School 10 years in Girl Scouts Olivia practiced the Jewish tradition, Hiddur Mitzvah, to earn her Gold Award. Meaning to beautify good deeds, Olivia constructed a bench for congregants at her local Temple to use to relax and reflect. Olivia also organized rock painting kits and an event guide for families to create a rock garden to surround the new bench. District 8, Troop 4500 Parkway Central High School 11 years in Girl Scouts Aaditi wanted to help her peers de- stress from the pressure of exams to earn her Gold Award. Aaditi started by researching stress relief tactics and compiling her information onto a website. Finally, Aaditi published her website on her school's web page for easy access to all students.
District 6, Troop Juliette Kirkwood Senior High School 14 years in Girl Scouts Knowing the stress caused by the global pandemic, Aleah wanted to take action to bring back positivity in her community. So, this innovative Girl Scout painted inspiring, uplifting messages on 75 rocks and placed them around Kirkwood, MO as easter eggs.
Aaditi Chinawalkar
Rianna DeHart
District 2, Troop 26 Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience 10 years in Girl Scouts Recognizing the importance of recycling for the environment, Rianna decided to implement a new recycling system for her school. Rianna then created a website to share with her peers how they can do their part to clean up their community.
Gold Award Girl Scouts with a Trefoil next to their name have earned all three of Girl Scouting's highest awards: the Girl Scout Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards.
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