2022 Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri COVID-19 Protocol
Adult Education Protocol
• Use provided disinfectant wipes to disinfect high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs, switches, handles, tables and other surfaces. • Participants should always cough or sneeze into a tissue or elbow, and avoid touching their eyes, nose, mouth and the outside of their mask • During CPR/AED/First Aid (or similar) classes, every participant must wear gloves during all skill practices and assessment scenarios. • During CPR/AED classes, every participant must use a breathing barrier when giving rescue breaths. COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Follow the resources developed by credible public health sources such as the CDC or your local public health department for COVID-19 risk mitigation practices, including: • Class participants should make sure temperatures are taken prior class to confirm the individual is not running a fever and their temperature is normal (approximately 98.6° F). Participants with a fever of 100.4˚F or greater within the last 24 hours (the 24 hours with no fever should be without the use of fever-reducing medications) may not attend • Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri requires that masks be worn by individuals age 2 and older when indoors at all Girl Scout properties, including our camps and service center, unless the individual is fully vaccinated (two weeks past the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or two weeks past the single dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine). Masks are not typically required when outdoors at Girl Scout properties, though social distancing is still highly encouraged. (Please note, all campers must provide their own mask and carry it with them at all times when attending resident and day camps, as there may be times during which campers and staff will be required to mask, regardless of location or vaccination status, for the safety of the entire camp community, such as at check-in or in case of an emergency.) Participants are strongly encouraged to bring their own masks. Disposable masks will be on hand for those who need them. Reporting and Communicating a Positive COVID-19 Test In the event of a COVID-19 positive test result within a member’s household, promptly contact Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s Senior Manager, Risk Management, Dan Sise, dsise@girlscoutsem.org , to receive explicit guidance. A Council staff member and NOT volunteers, will be responsible for: • Confirming and tracing the positive individual • Contacting the parent/caregiver of anyone who may have been exposed (or other volunteers) • Notifying a facility where a troop has met
Education Classes
Program participant health information is private and strictly confidential and should only be shared on a need-to-know basis with a Council staff member.
Thank you for doing your part to keep our Girl Scout community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are stronger together, even when we are six feet apart.
30 COVID-19 Response Guidelines
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